Chapter 157: Daylight Robbery!


In a faraway place, at a far distance from all creations, on a Jellyfish, the palace of the Ruler of Existences that had stood there unshakeable and immovable from the beginning of the Creation finally knew a change… 


"Yawn… what's happening…?" A small voice asked in a pissed-off tone after having been woken up from his sleeping time.

"Oya…? He's waking up earlier than I expected…" 


"What?!" Edam stood up like a furious tornado and took Shin by the shoulders. "I have to go back, please, bring me back!"

"What? Where? You mean, to the future or on earth?" Shin asked, confused.

"..." Edam thought about it for a moment and then replied. "Ugh, forget it…"

And then taking a deep breath, he shouted. 

"Yamote, come here right now...!"

As he shouted, the air and space seemed to crack and then distorted as a bird was forcibly pulled out and flew in a hurry toward Edam abruptly stopping an inch away from hitting him.

"Ohhh! Master, you're finally awake!" Yamote exclaimed with a lot of emotions in his voice.

"Yes, but more importantly, let's go back home right now!" Edam exclaimed anxiously.

"Yes, yes, but, master, you have to calm down first… and most of all, you have to familiarize yourself with your new self…after all..."


"You are now a Full-fledged God… a Higher Existence, unbound by the mortal shackles…"

"..." At these words, Edam stopped in his tracks and finally took a look at himself.

With his current level, using his new upgraded divine senses to take a look at himself was child play after all… 

At first sight, his appearance didn't look so different, still very tall for the human race's standard and extremely well-built as expected of a Saiyan, with broad shoulders seemingly capable to hold up the entire heavens by themselves, being absolutely striking for the opposite sex. 

However, if a comparison had to be made, then it was his aura that had truly changed, the feeling he gave off was simply otherworldly, imposing, and distant.

Although he already had these attributes in the past, they were now even more striking.

The crimson blood-red glow of his once clear black eyes only deepened this distant sensation, as if telling them to stay as far away as possible from him for their sakes.

But even with such 'repulsive' attributes, his charm was only amplified. 

Though all was just about his physical appearance of course. After having this rebirth-like awakening, his half-god half-mortal shell was now gone and his physique was now that of true God. His body was the only thing that needed to undergo a rebirth, his soul was already divine after all.

Unlike Goku and Vegeta, Edam was a full divine being, in body and soul. Though, in Edam's opinion, his case wasn't that impressive. Goku and Vegeta had surpassed the power of a God while only being able to retain and use the aura of a God. Their physical bodies and souls were still that of mortals.

As he checked his body, he also felt his divine ki, which was just like his mortal ki, overbearing, bestial, and extremely dense. The difference though was that if his source of energy was the universe in the past, he was now drawing his energy from another source, a source that was seemingly inexhaustible and unfathomable.

His battle power had grown by leaps and bounds, he was on another level of existence and power.

However, that was a problem…

"...tsk…" Edam was pondering for a while before clicking his tongue and cursing. "...shit, these old geezers from the Other Side won't just watch me silently anymore…"

"You mean?"

"...Well… There's a possibility that I accidentally crush a part of their Realm's verse if I just go in right now…" Edam scratched his face in doubt, not very sure about the outcome.


"They will prevent me… although, I can understand, a lot of lives will be lost if I do so…" Edam thought and acknowledged this fact. 

Did he give up? Never! His whole life and more importantly, the love of his life and his yet-to-be-born baby were waiting for him on the Other Side! Giving up or staying here was Never an Option! NO, NAO, N.A.O.

"Uh... What should we do then...?" Yamote was a bit puzzled and didn't get it all but he didn't dwell on it too much.

Edam thought for a moment when his eyes glowed a bit and he smiled with a mischievous glint in his red-wine pupils. 

"We will do a robbery!" Not an ounce of the dignity of a God could be perceived on his face.

"What?!" Yamote pulled a weird face at his master's claim.


Half an hour later, Edam explained his plan, to the shock of everyone present, meaning to say, Yamote, Shin, and the Old Ancestor.

"You are completely crazy and what the hell is this Other Side?! In my long life, I've never heard this thing… you're not drugging yourself, right? This is very bad for your health, kid…" the Old Ancestor said with a bit of irony but also a bit of true concern in his voice.

"..." Edam narrowed his eyes at him, frightening the old man a bit before replying. "I'm in very good health thank you, and I'm not crazy, not yet…"

As for Shin, he was a relatively young Supreme Kai, so his inexperience could be felt. "Well, good luck I guess?"

Edam thanked him and turned around and said. "Come, Yamote, let's go…"

"Yes!" The bird obediently landed on his shoulder.

"Ah, wait, the others are still waiting for news from you though…" Shin asked, referring to Goku and the others.

"Doesn't matter, I will pay them a visit next time…" 

"So your next destination is?" 

Edam stopped in his tracks and closed his eyes and sensed the faint connection that was growing stronger and stronger by the minutes. 

"The Realm of the Void…" 

"What? No Gods are allowed entrance there, plus, there's nothing there, and the Realm is closed…" The Old Kai looked at him skeptically.

"Oh, really?" Edam said without an emotion showing on his face, clearly not giving a care.

"Closed for you all perhaps, but it's my Domain, to begin with..." A sarcastic and small smile, formed on his face. "See ya…"


In the next instant, both Edam and Yamote disappear from the two Kais' sight and appear somewhere else.

A huge palace on an even bigger boulder floating in an infinite empty expanse greets the two.

The last time they visited this place, the palace of the Void was completely worn out from the passage of time, but now… 

The palace was as good as new, practically glowing as if a myriad of twinkling stars were stuck on it. There was a faint and near-invisible dome covering and providing some oxygen.

"Better looking…" Edam sent a glance at the palace and turned to look around.

He closed his eyes again, relaxed his body's muscles as he extend his arms a bit and took a deep breath, and felt the change in the void. 

He felt the entire Realm trembling faintly at his arrival and a relaxing sensation filling him up. The Endless Emptiness of this place seemed to respond to his call, ready to obey to his every desire.

"Good, let's do it… will be easier to take it from here..." When Edam re-opened his blood-red eyes again, they shone a frightening and piercing crimson light.

With a calm expression, he plainly extended his fist and lightly punched forward. The move was so simple that it could have been mistaken as a move made out of boredom and yet…

This was a punch to travel to another verse...



In the middle of the Void, an enormous crimson crack that stretched out to a thousand of kilometers in length slowly appeared and extended out even further.

It was totally different from Yamote's method of gently digging through the space separating the different Realm's Side.

Edam's method was simply to blast the barrier to pieces!

The center of the crack began to fall apart revealing the Other Side.

"Finally…" Edam smiled with his two wine-red pupils shining a delighted light.


*On the Other Side, a minute later*

In the void of space, Yamote and Edam's discussed as they searched for the All Blue planet. A minute later.

"I found it, the home planet is here!" Yamote's excited voice said.

"Mmm, good, we take everything." Edam's voice replied with a serious nod.


"I said, we take everything." Edam said again not minding to repeat again.

"Oh, with the moon too?"

"Of course, but not just that…"


"The Sun too."

"Oh, yeah, of course, they need light…"

"Yeah, hmm, you know what? Take the entire Solar System…" The little boss said after much pondering.


"And some stars to decorate…"


(A/N: I might have had too much fun writing the last lines...😅)