Chapter 1

Y/N starts to wake up.

Y/N: "Nngh.. it's so hot."

Y/N opened his eyes and sees that there are some plane parts that are shredded.

Y/N: "What the?! T- There are parts of the plane! Wait, where is everybody? Oribe, Naruse! Where are you!? Oh, man. I hope they all got there safely."

Y/N almost forgot about something, he was missing his bag. But he sees it 4ft away from him, so he ran to get his bag.

Y/N: "Ha! I knew you wouldn't disappear."

He opens his bag, checking to see that if he still has what he needs. His supplies, his snack items, he also has a book that Dr. Grant gave to him when he was a kid, a black colored journal with a Jurassic Park logo on it. Y/N's journal is an account of a guide of dinosaurs and secrets about Isla Nublar and Isla Sorna that is inhabited by these resurrected animals, but he wondered about the next site. He was looking for a page that tells about the island that he is in. He found one, and looked the top corner of the page as it says "Site C."

Y/N: "While it can enjoy pleasant sunsets across the beach, this island is often ravaged by dangerous storms. Is this... Isla Muerta?"

Y/N: "This is the island that Ian Malcolm told me about."

Y/N: "What if the dinosaurs are on their way to attack my friends? And Oribe! No, I'm gonna find them, and we'll get rescue ASAP!"

With Y/N fully determined to find his friends, he pack up his supplies and places them inside the bag and starts to have a look around the island to search for them. While he is walking on a deserted beach area, he sees a stone-like beach rock and waves. He then sees on the bottom, a living organism that is close to an insect. It is a barnacle; they are exclusively marine, and tend to live in shallow and tidal waters, typically in erosive settings. It is rather a type of arthropod constituting the infraclass Cirripedia in the subphylum Crustacea, and is hence related to crabs and lobsters. The taste of it is very similar to a shrimp.

Y/N: "Huh, barnacles. I know they are heard to pull out, it'll take a long time. I guess I'll have to try."

Y/N tries to pull the barnacle off of the beach rock, but it was so hard, it was nearly impossible for his fingers. He used his little knife to cut it out, and again won't come off and accidentally cuts his fingers.

Y/N: "Oww!" he shouted, as his fingers start to bleed.

Y/N: [sighs] "Yeah, they won't come off."

He continued to walk as he was making his way to the trees, and for a moment he hears rustling that came from the bushes. He froze and stood in silence.

Y/N: "Who's there?! You better come out of there, or I'm coming in!"

When the rustling stops, something came out of the bushes, it was human, it was Oribe Mutsumi. Y/N thought that he was the only one lost, but thankfully he found her.

Y/N: "Oribe!"

Oribe: [shocked and surprised] "Y/N?!"

But she was not by herself, Matsuoka Ayumi was also with her.

Matsuoka: "You're L/N Y/N of the hiking club, right?"

Y/N: "Yeah, that's me."

She was wearing a blue tracksuit with white lines and a white bandana on her head. Her hair is cropped short and doesn't reach below her nape. Matsuoka was also a Houshou Private High School student, and a Captain of the school softball team. She started to cry because she genuinely thought they were the only ones lost as well. They both ran up to him and they hugged him, crying into him. Y/N felt uncomfortable.

Y/N: "They're too close!" he thought.

Y/N calmed them down with a little head pat. Oribe wiped tears off her eyes. Matsuoka tried to, but they couldn't stop.

Matsuoka: "I can't help it. I'm just glad you're here, Y/N."

Y/N: "Yeah, I'm glad to see you both. So, did you find anyone else, or is it just you two?"

Matsuoka: "Before I found Oribe, I've walked along the beach for more than an hour. She was the only person I've come across with. And though I tried to find some houses on the way, but there weren't any signs of them. I knew this was a hazardous island. And, we found you."

Oribe: "If people did live on this island, then we should have been able to contact the airlines ourselves and help would come in a minimum of 14 and a half hours."

Y/N: "But this isn't just an abandoned island, from what I heard, this is an island where is often ravaged by a deadly storm."

Matsuoka: "A deadly storm?"

Oribe: "How do you know that?"

Y/N showed them the Jurassic Park journal and tells them as he reads.

Y/N: "According to the journal, it says:

The next island appears nearly 200 miles off the coast of Costa Rica. This island is lined with enormous mountains and steep volcanic cliffs, a rather volcanic island.

It is called Isla Muerta (Spanish for Island of Death), dubbed "Site C." The island became covered in coniferous forests and much larger than Isla Sorna. it is apart of the Five Deaths island chain. The island can only be reached by humans via airplane, as the coast lines are lined with jagged and inhospitable cliffs, the only entries from the coast being a series of caves. It is also constantly shrouded in a thick fog. With its turquoise water, lush tropical vegetation and breathtaking vistas, Isla Nublar was the ideal setting for a resort. Site C's tropical colors, surf graphics and hibiscus flower accents seek to invoke a side of Jurassic Park that is lost but never forgotten."

Oribe and Matsuoka were shocked and surprised after hearing what Y/N just said from reading the passage of Site C from the journal.

Oribe: "Wow, so you mean that this island could be inhabited by something that our eyes can't see?"

Y/N: "Yes. And also from what I know is that the island is surrounded by mist. It's nearly impossible to get on, even with a boat, the island has had few interactions with humans throughout its history. Well, you may have some meteorological events, you know, about what I said earlier about extreme weather."

Oribe: "So, the weather on this island is what we should worry about, right?"

Y/N: "Right."

Oribe: "I probably assume that the Self-Defense Force should come to rescue us within a few days to the latest. Therefore, the best measures that I can come up with at the moment to take are to not move around recklessly for the sake of people that arrived here in the same way as we did, and to procure food to survive."

Y/N: "Hey, speaking of food, I found some at the beach area when I was walking."

Matsuoka: "You have? I mean, do we even have any food to survive?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I'll show you."

Oribe and Matsuoka followed Y/N to where he was at the beach area, to the same spot of the beach rock where he found the barnacles. Matsuoka looked at it and confused thinking that if it is food or not.

Matsuoka: "Wait, you call this 'food'? These mountain-like, jagged, funny looking guys?"

Y/N: "Yeah. I know this is something new to you. But I promise it'll taste good. Though I really have a hard time pulling them off. I thought that I could need some help."

Oribe: "I believe that he's right. Although, The looks of it may not be good, but the taste of it is delicious."

Y/N: "Exactly, it'll taste like seafood."

Matsuoka: "But I'm note even sure that I could eat something as hard as that.

Oribe realized that Y/N is really into something.

Oribe: "I'll help you."

While Matsuoka and Y/N were peeling off the barnacles with a piece of a hard rock, Oribe picked up a rock that was cut in half, formed as a plate with leaves at the bottom with little hermit crabs that came from the barnacle.

Matsuoka: "So, what next? Should I set the fire afterwards?"

She has a knife, a hair spray and a lighter. Those were the items that she found and finds it usable. She tries to light up the lighter but it didn't light up.

Y/N: "I don't think that'll work. It won't be usable since it was wet with sea water."

Matsuoka: "Are you serious!? Come on, I'm getting hungry!! And this little guy is the only thing we got to eat!"

Oribe: "Please, calm down."

Y/N: "Hold on, I have an idea."

Y/N picked up a magnifying glass from his bag as he planned on lighting a fire. A magnifying glass starts a fire through the use of heat from the sun. This is done by positioning the glass so that the sun's rays pass through the lens, forming a small point of light on a pile of dry kindling.

Oribe: "That's a great idea, Y/N! Just hold still so that the sun can observe the light."

Y/N was holding it still, keeping the circle of concentrated sunlight as still as possible in order to build up heat on the tinder. Once he held the magnifying glass to the center of the leaf, the sun ray observes the heat as the leaves were starting to burn a hole. The leaves were sizzling and so were the hermit crabs, and it is ready.

A/N: Another way to start a fire through the use of heat from the sun is by using a coin, only with a hole in the middle, apparently a Japanese coin. It is possible to make a convex line using a drop of water to collect light in a middle of a coin with a hole in the middle, with water lens.

Matsuoka takes one hermit crab as she gives a taste and she liked it.

Matsuoka: "It's good!"

Y/N: "See, I told you it was good."

Matsuoka: "And even though they did make me feel kinda sick, they were still delicious."

Y/N: "There's nothing wrong of trying new things."

Oribe: "Since these little ones are basically the friends of crab and lobster, their taste is delightful. Because of the fact that we won't be able to collect food all the time, we'll need to prepare some emergency rations."

Oribe picked up a big leaf and put the hermit crabs in it. She then notices a fly that's flying, she quickly catches it with a chopstick. She thinks it's easy to catch a fly because what she catches with her chopstick is a big fly. So she catched as many flies from gathering the leaf because smell is likely to spread in a waterfront, so insects tend to gather more quickly than other places.

Matsuoka: "Is there anything you can't do? Because I haven't saw this... no, actually I haven't even heard of it."

Oribe then explains to her about the ecology of insects and how to catch a fly so quickly.

Matsuoka tries fo catch one with a chopstick but she missed.

Matsuoka: "If I practice more, it'll get better, right?"

Y/N: "Sometimes practice makes things perfect."

Oribe: "Anything's possible if you practice more often."

She kept on going to catch another fly as she practiced.

Matsuoka: "Oh, I just thought of something. I do remember thinking that Oribe Mustumi is a swotter who likes to read books quietly, but it was actually surprising to see that you're actually an active person who can do that."

Oribe: "An.. an active person?" [she blushed and smiled a bit]

Y/N: "That what makes Oribe, Oribe."

Matsuoka: "Thats true. Anyway, let's use this beach area as our base camp!"

Oribe and Y/N agreed on that.

Matsuoka: "I'll go make another round. I doubt that there could be more people on this island."

Y/N: "She always puts herself at the forefront of the action when it comes to helping people. Don't you agree?"

Oribe: "Yeah."

Oribe thought of something about bringing people to where they are currently. She wonder that if Naruse is on this island, and if we could return back to our original lives. Oribe started to cry and Y/N looked at her, with tears falling from her eyes.

Y/N: "What's wrong, why are you crying?"

Oribe: "I'm just worried about everyone, and Chitose-chan. [sobbing] I'm sorry I shouldn't be crying at a time like this."

Y/N understood how she feels when surviving an island is gonna be tougher. Y/N began to hug her and told her that everything will be okay, and wipes her tears away.

Y/N: "I'm sure we'll find Naruse and the others. We just need to think about how we're going to survive until rescue comes in a few days. We have some time."

Oribe: "Y/N."

Hope you guys enjoyed Chapter 1 and more chapters will come. It takes time.

Other than that, once again,

Kyochuu Rettou (aka The Island of Giant Insects) belongs to Yasutaka Fujimi, REDICE, Shuu Hirose, Akita Publishing Co., Ltd.

The "Jurassic Park" Franchise belongs to Universal Studios, Amblin Entertainment, Steven Spielberg, Michael Crichton, etc.

I'll see you guys on the first chapter, and as always, take it easy :)