"Hey~ Do you think you can solve your problems by killing yourself?" I yell at a young man, standing on a bridge.
He seems unaware of my presence or maybe he just ignore--- I can't tell. I stare at him for a moment. He is wearing a white polo that has blood stains and creases all over.
There are cuts on his fists, cheeks and scratches on his left temple, making me wonder what have happened to him.
I run towards him when he starts loosening his tight grip on the railing and takes a deep breath.
"Hey!" I shout as I clutch his wrist, preventing him from falling. He turns to me and for the first time, our eyes meet. My heart leaps at the sight of his puffy eyes and cut lips. I don't understand, but I feel so connected.
He stares at my hand holding his wrist.
"What are you doing?" he grunts.
"I should ask you the same! What are you doing?" I reply, equalling his manic gaze.
"My father forced me to marry a man who turned out to be a beast. He constantly beat me--- torment me," I say, keeping my sight fixated on him.
His expression weakens, so I grab the opportunity.
"I tried to commit suicide many times to escape from my endless suffering. But, then I realized how insignificant I was to him and killing myself wouldn't free me from pain. In the end, I am the loser~" I continue. He begins to sob. Then, I pull him to safety.
"Let's get you home!" I whisper.
He smiles bitterly.
"Home? I don't have a home. Only a house to eat and sleep in..." he says.
"But... I can't leave you here! You might kill yourself when I'm not around!"
"I am fine! Besides, it's not your obligation to keep me safe."
"Whatever! Let's go," I utter while pushing him in my car. There's an awkward silence while on our way to the hotel where I am staying. With all the blood and cuts on his body, the receptionist panicks as we approach the front desk.
"Please give us a first aid kit," I ask.
"For a moment, Ms. Spencer!" she replies before getting it under the counter.
"Here you go!" she says with a worried smile.
"I don't wish any visitors today and you saw NOTHING! I hope you know what I mean," I warn. She nods.
"The shower is over there. Go and clean your body before I put some antiseptic on them," I command casually as soon as we enter my room. He smirks.
"You seem so used to bossing around!" he comments sardonically, glaring at me.
"Shut the fuck up and just follow!" I reply. I don't understand his defiance and I am starting to be annoyed.
"You're not my boss! Besides, I don't even know you!" he replies mockingly.
"And yet... you are here!" I exclaim in the same intensity of sarcasm.
"Me coming here doesn't mean that I have to follow your orders!" he yells.
"You don't have to yell! If you don't want to take a shower, fine! The hell I care!" I shout back. We remain quiet for at least a minute.
"Name's Merideth Spencer!" I say in a casual voice. He looks at me intently, judging my sincerity.
"Jason McFadden~"
"What?" I ask without masking my surprise. His forehead furrows as he stares at me.
"Why?" he asks.
"How are you related to Anthony~"
"He's my father," he replies in a soft voice. Every bit of emotion explode at the moment. I rush and hug him tight. He is caught off guard and tries to remove my arms around his body. But, I embrace him tighter. With all the emotions dancing inside me, I weep.
"Hey~" he says.
"Sorry. It's just~ I am just happy. That's all!" I utter as I cup his sore face.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" he asks, clearly irritated and confused at the sudden outburst of my emotion.
"You're home at last, brother! It took as so long, but I'm glad you're home!" I say in tears. He stand still as I wrap my arms around him once more. I know he has so many questions, but he keeps it blank.
"Merideth!" Rob's thunderous voice wake me from my deep thoughts. I look around and find him pinning Jason on the cold floor.
"What's going on?" I ask in shock.
"Call your sons!" he shouts as he tries his best to keep Jason immobile. I don't know what's going on, but I call him at once.
"Jason, please. Come back!" Rob says warmly.
I have so many questions to ask, but the sight of our little brother acting like a complete psychopath makes me deranged.
"Jason! Jason! We are your family. Please, stop!" I cry as I watch him fighting Rob with his might, trying to choke him with his hands. He grins like a hungry beast.
My world seems spinning as I get up. I impulsively hold on the rails of my bed when I feel my stomach churn. The pain is excruciating that sweats soak my body. I groan in pain.
"Mom! What~" Mon rushes and helps me get back on my bed.
"Mon~ call Mary and prepare 5mg diazepam!" Leo commands. Mon goes out at once. And without a couple of minutes, he returns with Mary and a syringe of the sedative.
"What happened?" Leo asks after Jason is sedated. He and Rob lay him on the sofa near my bed.
"I am not sure. He wassuddenly aggitated upon seeing his bleeding palm," Rob answers. We exchange look.
"Are you saying that~"
"Nothing is certain! He needs to go under series of physical and psychological tests first to make sure of what is really going on. For now, no one must talk about this!" I command. Even with my eyes closed, I can feel their stare.
"Leonard, Damon--- thank you so much for helping out. You can take a rest for now!" I say in a dismissive tone. My sons are already familiar with this tone, so they drag their heavy feet out of my room.
"Mary... please make him ready for the necessary tests. We have to know what's going on! Having a psychopathic brother is the least that we want. Do everything you can to keep it under the radar~" Rob says. They exchange a tacit agreement before she leaves.
"Merideth... forgive me for what I might do! If my hunch is right, I will kill Anthony myself~"
"No... brother... I will deal with him myself!" I reply in a soft, but firm voice.
In a dark room somewhere, a mad man is listening to everything they are saying. Then, he lets out a lunatic laughter even clapping his hands manically.