Chapter 10: The Beast and the Varmint

I sit in anticipation at my office while waiting for my brother's call. I fidget the table, I stand and walk to and fro and sit again. I can't stop my heart from leaping. I jolt when my phone rings. It's my brother!

I swallow hard. Then, I exhale before picking it up.

"H- hello!"

"Merideth... we got him!"

I hold my breath at the news. Relieved, I cry.

"How about her?"

"She's... well... she fired at the officers, forcing them to shoot her. Then, before one officer reaches her, she fired a bullet to her head."

"What?! No!"

"I am sorry. What matters now is that they're gone for good."

I exhale. As much as I want her alive, seems the gods are against me. I clench my fist and pound my table. I still have so many questions. I wanna know why. Why did she betray me? Why did she use her own daughter?

"I wanna go there! I wanna see him myself!"

Questions hover my mind as I drive to the police station. I have been waiting for this moment, yet I still don't know how would I react in front of him.

Honestly, the love that kept burning has already been put off. Once I heard about how he tortured my brother and realizing how he nearly killed me and my son, all that's left is abhorrence.

"Been a long time, Anthony!"

He meets my glaring eyes with equal rage and hisses, "Satisfied? Are you happy that my life is in shamble? Are you happy? Huh?! I thought you love me?"

I snap when I hear his words. I stare at him in disbelief. 'Fuck!' So... he's blaming me for his misfortunes. This man is indeed a varmint--- a pest to everyone around him. Menacing and annoying. Even his kind would deny him. He must be joking! I can't control myself anymore that I let out a burst of thunderous laughter. I laughed at him. My stomach cramps due to my laughter. I hold it.

"Love you?" I ask, crying from my prolonged laughter. "You must be out of your mind!"

Then, I suddenly stop and clear my throat. I speak in a harsh, almost growling voice, "Well... I thought so too... but, how wrong I was. All those years, I thought that I loved you. But I never did. I. NEVER. LOVED. YOU. Never a bit! In fact, I pitied you. I pity for being so alone--- for being so weak!"

He starts walking towards me and I prepare myself. I hold on to the belt behind me.

"Weak?! I am weak?!" he growls. "I can kill you right now. I don't care! I am going to die in jail anyway!"

He walks a step closer. Even with his hands bound, he still looks threatening. If this happened years ago, I might shiver in fear. But, not now. I smirk. He is infuriated. He pushes me against the wall and tries to hit me with his hands. I immediately dodge it and strike him with the belt I am holding. It leaves a mark from his neck down to his shoulder blade. He grits his teeth in pain.

"That is for hitting me! How does it feel?" I whip him again--- same spot. He yelps. And, again. He twitches and falls on his knees. The next blow is even more powerful, making him fall on the floor. The anger that is built up for years comes out this time. Every strike that I make, reminds me of the times I was hit by him. And with every strike, he screams. I feel good.

"Now, this is for my son and my brother!" I hiss, showing him a brass knuckle I slid in my hand.

"N- no! Please~" he whimpers.

"Sorry? When you nearly killed me in front of my son, were you sorry? When you made Jason slit the throat of that innocent woman, were you sorry?!" I yell as I punch his face. Then, I hit his jaw with my knee. He crawls away as I walk towards him. His vision blurred from my assault. I punch him again. He squeals every time the brass knuckle tears his flesh. The stench of his blood rejuvenates my energy.

"Just kill me now!" he screams. I take a deep breath. Then, I glower at him. He cowers, crawling to the corner away from me.

"I can! Do you really wanna die?" I huff. I move closer. "Do you really wanna die?! Tell me. Do you?"

He creeps away, leaving bloodstains on the concrete floor. I tease him. I step on his wounds and kicks his face. Then, I let him move away.

"I can slit your throat right not and toss your body in that cliff. No one would care to find you. NO ONE. Do you know why? Because you DON'T exist! You are dead in everyone's eyes," I mutter as I circle him, making him curl up like a helpless prey waiting for its predator's mercy.

"N- no... p- please... think about the love you have for me. I know it's still there... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaagh!" he screams when I punch his neck, leaving his cut flesh hanging.

"How dare you ask for death when you're too scared to die!" I mutter. "I will never give you death even if you beg me to."

I burst into laughter when I see him sob. His tears flowing on his wounded face.

"Do you know how we got you?"

His eyes widen upon listening to what I whisper to him. I grin triumphantly at his reaction. The mighty walls guarding him crumbles, crushing on him. He screams and screams, banging his head on the floor.

"You turned me into a BEAST and you--- you will always be a lowly VARMINT!" I laugh as I leave him bleeding inside and out.