Feel Better Now

Moler suggested that they shop for food for their "mini" party at his home. Darenn suggested that the Summoner will shop with them and then Zann and Leonel would have to be together and shop.

With the given suggestion, both of them didn't actually like it, but seeing as to how Moler and Darenn were ignoring them intently as they talked with Aranea, Zann and Leonel had no other choice but to go and shop together, the two of them already holding the quick note Moler wrote for them to buy after he has given them money.

"Why do I have to shop with you?" Zann complained, rolling his eyes at the same time. "If you want, we can split up the list and then I'll shop in a different shop so we can be alone. I know you wouldn't want to be with me either," he added, Leonel, not saying a word as they just walked towards the shop that they need to visit for them buy these things.