One-Second Kiss

All of them were already back home. With Zann not going to Professor Grisham yet, he knew that they had to make a final talk about this before he took Aleck home with him since this place is already small for him to stay.

"Now that it's revealed that Aleck is family to Aranea, will it be okay for him to stay at our place?" the Fire Familiar asked, everyone now in their thoughts as they thought of this, too.

"P-please," Aleck spoke, still feeling foreign to being taken care of by other people. "I can stay wherever as long as it's okay and that I'm safe and I'm not bothering anyone, especially," he added, Irving, nodding as he agreed.

"Irving, Darenn, Leonel, and Beau are already staying at this place. With four of us sharing a room, it would be uncomfortable for Aleck to be squeezing in the same room."

Everyone turned to Aleck and nodded as they agreed with the Lightning Familiar's suggestion.