Fatherly Love

We sat silently, everyone terrified of the sudden outburst of violence one room over. The screams had quieted, leaving behind wails from injured and dying people, they couldn't be bothered to finish off. The room we were now in was still dark, the only thing illuminating the room was a small lamp in the corner. There were no windows, and one door, the one we came in from. After listening to the agony of our friends and family in the next door for a couple more minutes, they all quieted. They were all dead, lifeless, motionless bodies piling up in the next room. The man standing in front of me may be my biological father, but with one swift signal he had killed almost everyone I had ever known or loved, except for the closest ones. I imagined that's why he let them live, but it was a mere handful of about forty people, give or take, most from dragoness, but at least two from all. I dreaded the moment he opened his mouth, and what he would say next. But it was not as I had expected.

"We must get you back as soon as possible," He said, without hesitation.

I glowered at him, "You just killed everyone!"

His face softened a notch when he looked at me, "Not all of them," He motioned around the room.

"You kidnap us, kill a bunch of our people, then just put us back like nothing happened?" Ferren said incredulously.

"I didn't kidnap you, I only followed you when they brought you down to Earth. I've never seen them before, quite rude people, actually. I had no intention to kill going into this, but you all screwed over a bunch of MY people, they just wanted revenge. I just wanted my daughter," He softened even more, then turned his head away from me. "But, too many of them are getting through now. It's not acceptable. And, I would actually like to go back home," He shrugged as confused glances were passed around the room. "Call it homesick," He went back on track. "I can get you to the opening where they're flooding in, but I cannot get you all back in. You are the people they want dead, my kind will go back in, but that's as far as I can get you," He gave another signal, and my chest clenched. They started clearing the room. "Go get them up to speed, I want some alone time with my daughter."