43. This Should Get Me In!

Lance handed the shopkeeper his number and asked him to call if he ever gets more books like the ones he bought. Sharna and Lance left the shop with a bag full of his books. He could hardly wait to get home and learn all these new classes.

"I can't believe you. That man is a scam artist. How could you pay so much for all of those?" Sharna was upset. She doesn't know how much Lance has, but to her, fifteen thousand is a lot of money. It's more than a week's worth of work with the guards.

"I said, I have the money to spend. These were cheap in my eyes for the benefits I will get." He was being honest. Those books will make him much more powerful.

"Sigh, fine, I'll take your word for it." Sharna started to rub her head from the headache she was getting. "Look, I have a mission tomorrow morning, and it's getting kinda late." She was starting to see Lance as an eccentric person, and it wasn't a side she liked very much.