- Update In Progress -
Lance was fast asleep as a deep male voice echoed around him. He couldn't move or open his eyes. He was back in the void before he came to this world.
- Update In Progress. 5% Complete -
'Update? What are you talking about?' He tried to ask the voice, though he had no voice to speak with.
- Update In Progress. 10% Complete -
Even though he had no body currently, he could feel something happening to him.
- Upgrading User Interface. Update At 15% -
'User interface? Are you talking about that weird system?' Still trying to get any answers.
- Redistributing User Status. 20% Complete -
'My status? My stats? What?' Lance is panicking. Is the system taking away his strength? Is he gonna lose his classes and skills? Is he gonna go back to level one?
- Reallocating Points. 25% Complete -
Lance could sense that his body was changing. He was becoming stronger, but at the same time, weakening.
- Aligning UI. 30% Complete -