65. Treasure!

Lance held onto the egg gently, "Kayda means us no harm. She just wants to raise her kind in safety." He spoke openly, trying to get Elandra to relax.

"You have lost it. If they are allowed to live, we will be overrun and killed. You simply don't understand." Elandra was elated, she couldn't understand how Lance could be so calm when the fate of her planet is at risk.

Kayda had enough of watching the two bicker. "We don't attack sentient life dear child of Seth." She raised her claw slightly to reveal the Alpha Saber Wolf beneath. "We do not need to kill indiscriminately. Nor have we ever attacked the children of Seth."

Elandra was quite confused. A dragon speaking to her, countless eggs behind it. And on top of that, Lance was protecting them. "Okay, slowly this time. Explain!" She lowered her weapons and turned to Lance.