76. Watch Out!

Sharna eventually regained her footing and was able to walk on her own. "I'm sorry guys." She was feeling bad for being so weak and scared.

"Don't worry about it." Lance smiled at her as he waved. He knew she wouldn't be able to handle missions like Elandra and him could. Either way though, it was something they would have to deal with together.

The forest was quite dense and felt almost tropical. The leaves of the trees covered the sky from their view. Only small animals could be seen and heard around the group.

Lance kept his guard up, there wasn't any sign of the griffins, but he wasn't going to risk anything. "Where are they?" When Lance looked up the griffins, he found that they resided on this island mostly. It was considered a level three danger zone because of the amount inhabiting the place.

"I don't know, we should have found one or two by now." Elandra was also on guard, watching the treetops.
