116. Unrivalled.

The small group left the house and headed to the first locations. Lance knew how to deal with Saber Wolves, Nekomata so their first order of business was dealing with those.

Upon arriving at the first locations, they stumbled upon a rather large group of Saber Wolves. Sixty-five in all with one alpha and one beta. Since beta's and alpha's were strong, Lance decided to capture them to add to his ever-growing horde of pets. He would utilize them when needed. The battle itself was rather quick. Between Sharna's magic, Tiamet's fire, and Lance's quick slashes, all the wolves fell or where captured within a couple minutes. Those that died became shadow puppets for later use.

After collecting all the drops and capturing a few new shadows, Lance, Sharna, and Vixen headed to the next location. This was a group of Nekomata's.