
I ran upstairs to my room all panicked now that my creation had been discovered. When I reached the bedroom the Velociraptor was exactly where I had left it. I conducted an investigation and searched for blood or any signs that he had been outside. There was none. He looked like a regular lego Velociraptor. I checked his leg, but there's not a scratch. I breathed a sigh of relief as I walked out of my room. When I was about to close my door, the voice in my head started talking again.

"I know we got off on the wrong foot. Can we start over? My name is Speedy."

"Daniel. How are you in my head?"

"I am a spirit psychicly linked to you. You called out for help and I came. I found a suitable host in the lego dinosaur you made."

"So, are you still in the dinosaur?" I asked confused.

"No. Right now I'm within you. Thats how I can speak to you. Its a mind link shared by one body. At night I will go back to the velociraptor but for now, it's just you and me partner!" The voice sounded happy and extatic to be a part of me.

"Ok. Two questions. What is your name and why did you kill the bullies?"

"So answer to the first question, I already told you. Its Speedy."

"Oh duh. Sorry." I interrupted.

"The answer to the second question, it was we not I, and you already know the answer to that." I thought it over and it was true. I did already know why. They had bullied me ever since I could remember.

"So what do we do now?"

"We kill some more. Don't you want that?" Speedy asked suggestively.

"I have no reason to kill anymore. The bullies are gone and they won't bother me anymore."

"What about other bullies? There will always be more."

"We can deal with them as they come but no more until then. Please promise we are done for now?" Speedy was silent for the longest time. I assumed he just didn't like the answer but I held onto my ideals. I continued downstairs and sat in front of the tv like I did every Saturday to watch cartoons. Afterwards, mom wanted me to go shopping with her so I went along for the ride.

At the grocery store, Speedy spoke up finally and said, "Alright. I promise we won't kill anyone else for now. Hey tonight is the full moon. Wanna go and see it and watch it fall?"

"Sure. I've never seen a full moon in its cycle. This will be cool." When mom and I got home I took a nap and waited til dinner time. When table was cleared and the dishes had been done, the moon had already up for a good hour. I kissed mom and dad good night and ran up to my bedroom where I waited patiently for sleep to find me, and it didn't take long.

We went for a run as soon as the lights went out in the house. The moon was full and bright. We ended up running back to the river and sat in the grass, staring up at the moon. The stars were barely bright enough to out shine the moon, but they managed a bit. We sat there, not speaking until the moon was low enough that I said I wanted to go home. Speedy complied and we made our trek home. Once there I expected to wake up just like that but Speedy explained that that isn't how this works. the sun has to be coming up, or you to be severely frightened, like our first encounter, to wake up. Well we waited for the sun to come up. I was too entranced at the sunrise to notice Speedy had left. When the sun came up I closed my eyes and started to feel myself shrink. This is not what I was expecting. I snapped open my eyes and I was still in the velociraptors body turning into a model. I saw oit of the corner of my eye, my body get up out of bed and come towards me. A smirk covered his face as he grabbed me and started to take me apart. I felt no pain, but I did panic. What would happen to me?

As if Speedy had read my mind he said, "When I take away your body your spirit will go to the spirit realm and you'll be lost forever." With that he continued to crumble my body and I started to float out of the room. I tried to scream but it was no use. I had no voice. With that being said, I went to the spirit realm never knowing what happened to my body.