"Well, well, well. It's been a while, dear cousin."

Vigo saluted him with his baffling smile.

He hates his poker face when he does that.

He knew he was only faking it each and every time.

"A pleasant evening, Duke Andras, Lord Vigo."

Raigon returned the intended address by bowing to his paternal uncle and cousin.

They were all seated closely on the royal table with his parents.

"Have a seat, Prince Raigon."

Queen Rose was settled there with King Artair.

This must be an adult meeting of the Wangs for her sisters to not be nearby.

They were having a late-night intimate get together when he joined them.

"How you have grown! Let me see you up close, my dear nephew. Come here."

Duke Andras enthusiastically embraced the eldest son of his maturer brother. He has not sighted him for a long time.

"Certainly, Uncle."

Raigon felt dragooned as he stepped forward to the polished table.

The brilliant lights in the Castle were now beaming at his intricate features.

They revealed his bewitching maturity.

"Oh, what a ravishing creature you are! You look more and more like…. Me!"

Duke Andras laughed merrily.

King Artair chortled with him. "I thought you were going to say 'your father'."

He burst out laughing gaily as the royal servants served some game pie and hoppy ales.

Raigon glanced at the dual ripened brethren in front of him.

'They strikingly resemble two loving bosom friends that were over the moon after they were rejoined after a countless age."

At that point, he peeked at her mother, Queen Rose, who was also staring at them.

Her eyebrows were furrowed, and she was leveling her eyes as she nibbled on each of her bites.

'Does she have a conflicting opinion on the direct relationship between these two noble brothers?'

"Why would I? I am indeed more good-looking than you. He even had my dimples!"

Duke Andras responded to his older brother with a mischievous grin in his shrewd eyes.

The prominent corner of Raigon's rosy cheeks twitched upward as he munched a big bite on his own set in his decorative plate.

He has famished from the lengthy ordeal a while ago.

'I wished I had known my grandfather before he died. He must be the legendary king of mischief, bearing two gifted children in his iconic image and likeness.'

The Queen's odd remark disturbed his reminiscing thoughts.

"I hope he doesn't take after your brain, though."

She spouted in gritted teeth as she crinkled her eyes at him.

Her sweet, innocent expression was the exact opposite of her venomous lips.

"My Queen!"

King Artair looked sharply at his beloved wife and scolded her as he narrowed his kind eyes at her.

She meekly lowered her lovely head in humble submission to the mighty lord of her life.

"Let's just be glad that everything is completely settled now after fifteen long years. Am I right, brother?"

He bestowed upon him a reassuring smile.

On that occasion, he offered the platter that was presented first to him, as a King, to his younger brother.

After all, he was the second grand Prince and Duke of the City of Terra, Duke Andras.

"Needless to say! Let bygones be bygones!"

Duke Andras grinned once more while he accepted the savory food that was generously provided to him.

"Don't worry, Raigon is a full-grown man now. He can decide on his own."

He winked slyly at Queen Rose, who was still furious from whatever it is that took place then.

Raigon contemplated on his mother's clap back to Duke Andras.

'What could have caused the bad blood between them? And what transpired fifteen years ago that separated their family from theirs? Was it perhaps related to the Great Bloodbath?'

He was musing on it when Duke Andras retorted in addition to his comment.

"But," he added. "You must make a decision with all possible haste. You're not getting any younger, you know."

He was currently focusing on Raigon before snatching a mouthful of ale.

"What do you mean, Uncle Andras?"

He inquired as he put down his formidable knife and fork and seriously observed the duke.

He seemed serious, even with the vexatious tone.

"What else, dear nephew, but having a charming Crowned Princess beside you. I guess you've never been in the Capital recently."

He responded as a matter-of-factly as he dabbed the table napkin to his humorous mouth and elevated his fierce eyebrow.

Vigo, who was just silent while they're having a conversation, chuckled grimly at his father's disparaging remarks.

King Artair butted in. "Why, is there a problem in the Capital?"

It is factual that the king hasn't visited the Capital in a while and decided to merely rest his aching body.

It was also the reason why Raigon has a lot of vacant hours to go out and fulfill his personal agendas.

"No, no. Just a little bit of ill report here and there. Nothing special."

He smiled as called on the servant for some more ales.

The attendant in waiting obliged faithfully.

It is Vigo who dealt with the King's uncomfortable question.

"There are just speculations going on that the Crowned Prince likes men more than women. They figured out that he doesn't have a fiance until now. And they inferred that he has no experience in combat. According to the news, he didn't deserve the position and should just abdicate the princeship to Duke Andras."

Vigo stared at Raigon from the beginning to the end that he was stating that. Especially in the rear part.

Raigon clenched his fist and jaws and fought a fierce no-blinking challenge with Vigo.


Rumors are carried by haters and spread by fools.
