Finally, Zoe stopped walking. She already reached a spot that pleased her. She beamed as she put down her fishing equipment and prepared to fish.

Raigon slowed down his pace as he gazed at Zoe. She was too busy assembling the rod that she didn't notice that he was already beside her.

"What did you use in choosing this spot? Is it your eye or your heart?" He asked her in a deep and calming voice. 

As much as Zoe wanted to get angry at him, her lips twitched upward as she heard his question. He really knows how to have his way with her! 

Still, she clamped her lips and furrowed her eyebrows. She doesn't want to let him know that he could easily get away with his actions.

'Is Nella his type then? Why is he helping her out instead of me? I thought he would have wanted to spend more time with me after what happened in the tent. Or am I not really his type?' Zoe thought furiously as she remembered why she was angry in the first place.