"I hope it wasn't me," Nella blurted to Clay.

"Don't worry, if you are, I'll revive you," Clay answered her. 

He gave Nella a reassuring smile. 

"Are you just flirting with me now?" 

Nella directly asked him with a raised eyebrow.

Clay has been following her around for quite some time. 

"Why, will someone get angry?" 

Clay directly answered her without being uncomfortable with her straightforward question.

"No. But -"

She was about to refuse his advancement towards her. She knew him and his family. 

They were one of those who treated people in their status like rags under their feet. 

She will not let herself be involved with such a man. 

Fortunately, Mr. Fu announced his answer so the awkward atmosphere between them was broken.

"I slay Norcan!" 

He shouted out with his spear in the air like he was not an old man but an old warrior, fighting for his tribe.