Raigon was smiling as he climbed down the horse. He was tired but he was fulfilled with the turn of events.

He lifted up his arm to see the ornamental bracelet that Zoe gave him. It was made up of a bronze piece of metal held together by a gold piece, shaped like a crown.

"Did she just buy me this even before that event?" A chuckle escaped from his lips as he walked towards the Castle.

He was not aware that there were three people that were casting glances on them.

As his eyes glanced their way, he tried to assess who they were.

One was the Queen, the other was Lord Vigo and another was a young lady.

"What are they talking about in this hour?" Ragion uttered under his breath as he approached them.

"Whenever Vigo shows up, trouble always comes with him." He gritted his teeth.

"Greetings, your Highness."

Lord Vigo and the lady bowed down to him as soon as he came near. 

"Greetings, your Majesty, Lord Vigo and..."