"I-I think so, your Highness. He believes in me." Zoe gave him a grateful smile.

Thinking that she was talking about another person, Raigon's head lowered with his neck appearing to shrink.

"I see. He's one lucky man." He replied after swallowing hard.

"I am lucky to have him too, sire." Zoe made a positive comment but her voice sounded otherwise.

Raigon glanced at her as she suddenly stopped from what she was doing and stared at space.

"But?" Raigon prodded on. 

Zoe drew in a deep breath before answering. "There seems to be a lot of obstacles in between us. I don't think we could ever get married or even be together as we are at all."

She stood up and picked up the basket as she was ready to leave. "Thank you for a satisfying meal, your Highness. I truly appreciate it."

Zoe started walking back to the horse, but it seemed like Raigon was not done with his interrogation yet.