"Your Majesty!" Raigon uttered in disbelief at the Queen's blatant remark.

Queen Rose pivoted to his son as he called her attention. Lady Thana did likewise. 

"I thought we already talked about this!" Raigon commented with his jaws clenching unconsciously.

"About what, my dear son?" Queen Rose fluttered her eyelashes innocently. 

Raigon drew in a deep breath. He could not put her mother to shame in front of everybody.

"Nothing, your Majesty. We can talk about it some other time."

He glanced at Lady Asha to see her reaction. And he was right.

Zoe's mouth dropped open as she heard the remark of Queen Rose. She and Lady Thana are having a wonderful conversation as if they were the only person around at that time. 

'Daughter-in-law? Raigon has a fiance here in Terra?' 

The realization caught her off guard as color drained from her already pale face.