Zoe recalled her communicable diseases lecture during college days. She still wasn't sure about the true nature of the disease. But based on the symptoms, it looked mostly like cholera.

She closed her eyes and imagined herself in front of her colleagues and she was just reporting a thesis.

Zoe bowed to them and cleared her throat before she tried to explain its pathophysiology. 

"I thank you for the opportunity to be in front of you today to share what I have learned about this disease so far based on my experience in Xianghai Province, the most contaminated part of Terra. As it is widespread already, I believe we can classify it as a communicable disease. As such, it is an infectious disease which causes severe watery diarrhea and vomiting, which can lead to dehydration and even death if left untreated."

A loud murmuring could be heard along the corridors as Zoe explained the situation.