Now it was Zoe's turn to be shocked as she almost spit what she was drinking. She felt a heavy feeling on her stomach as she digested the outrageous news that Lady Dolores just uttered right now.

She put back the cup that she was holding down the table and brushed her hair to her side.

"D-do you mean my mother lived here? And she is a Terran?!" She blurted with an incredulous face. 

Lady Dolores drew in a deep breath to compose herself. It seemed that the news about her mother being dead devastated her.

"To be honest with you, I am not really aware of that. She just showed up at my doorstep as a baby in a basket with a note on her side. It said in the note to never remove the necklace that she was wearing…"

Zoe's hand flew to her chest and fiddled with the pendant.

"Can I see it, if you don't mind, my dear? I just want to make sure that you are really her daughter." Lady Dolores asked her in a pleasant note.