"I think we should stop there." Azra commented as he saw his grandfather taking deep breaths in his effort to calm his stressful nerves.

Erin helped pick up the debris of the broken cup while Raigon was rubbing Zoe's back gently as she was shocked at the unexpected history of her parents. 

Zoe bowed her head and apologized for the commotion. But she unconsciously stood up and went outside the house in a dazed manner. Raigon followed close behind.

""W-what is a half-ling?" Zoe muttered as she gazed point blank at space. 

Raigon drew in a deep breath as he replied. "A half-ling is someone who is half Terran and half-non Terran. It means he or she was born in ill fate as half-lings are also treated like the intruders even if they were raised as Terrans."

"My mother must have suffered a lot. It could be the reason why she left Terra. Those who have known her real identity must have ostracized her." Zoe uttered as her chin trembled.