"Your Majesty!" Raigon immediately stood up and rushed to the Queen's side to assist her. 

"What are you doing here? You're not fully well!" 

"I knew it!" Queen Rose's trembling finger pointed at Raigon and Zoe. 

"I couldn't trust you both! I told you to think about our family and Terra, my son. And you, young woman, I pleaded you to not wander beyond the Crowned Prince's chamber. But both of you even went to the King's Place and included him in your troubles!"

"My Queen!" King Artair also stood up and rushed to pacify Queen Rose but he stumbled as his legs were still weak from his sickness.

At the speed of light, Zoe bolted to his side and assisted him back to his chair, making Queen Rose glare in even more contempt.

She gritted her teeth as she steamed towards her. But Raigon stopped her. "Calm down, Mother."