Even though the atmosphere turned lighter with their jokes, their situation remained the same. Erin was still the suspect for poisoning the Queen and Azra was still under interrogation.

"What is it?" Zoe clasped her hands to her chest.

Any unstable piece of hope is enough for her to hold on to.

Erin pointed up her finger in excitement. "I remember Era stealing a cupcake from the basket!"

Zoe's eyebrows furrowed as she asked. "Era?"

"Let's go look for her!" Erin immediately scrambled away as she called out. "Era! Era!"

Zoe ran after her, but she grabbed her arm and asked. "Who exactly are we looking for?"

"She's one of the children here. Her hair was always in double pigtails. She's very mischievous so she could be everywhere. Excuse me, have you seen Era?" Erin asked the servants around.