Raigon was still in a dilemma about what he would choose. He still believes that he can have both his family and Zoe at the same time and he refused to think otherwise.

As he knows that it is just Lord Vigo's tactic to deviate him from the real point of their visit, he shifted back to it immediately. 

"Where did you put Azra right now?" 

He asked after inhaling deeply through his nose and exhaling through his mouth, determined to alleviate his friend and long time servant's suffering in whatever way possible.

A snicker escaped from Lord Vigo's lips after pressing them together.

"Now you choose. He's over there." 

Lord Vigo gave in as he pointed to a mini hut a few meters away from them. If Raigon would do something against the Queen's order, he would be punished by law and will lose his family. 

And if he does not, he would grieve at a loss of a committed lifelong companion. It's a win-win situation for him.