
Like lightning, Raigon hopped on Steel, hoping he would immediately take him from the Castle to the tunnel. She was expecting that Zoe, Azra and Erin were already in there. 

He was still doubting if he made the right decision even though in his mind he knew that it was the right thing to do for everybody's sake.

But his heart was broken to the point of he was wondering how it could still beat even with its crushed state.

As the winds caressed him as he passed through the fields of Terra, his aggrieved spirit because of his decision to let Zoe go was somehow pacified. 

"Terra needs me now. I can think about my own happiness later."

He resolved to himself as he recalled his mission to save Azra. And then afterward, solve the case of her mother's assassination. And last find out the reason for the outbreak and the cause of the other unknown illnesses in Terra.