Raigon was feeling satisfied with his achievements so far. Azra's case was finally cleared.

He should have been rejoicing. But he felt empty.

"If Lady Zoe and Lady Erin would be here right now, they would surely jump for joy."

Azra commented as he was also thinking about the same thing.

Raigon nodded his head in agreement. 

At that moment, he envisioned Zoe encircling him in her warm embrace, telling him how she was not disappointed that she placed her trust in him.

'Did I make a mistake? Should I just ask her to stay amidst all the troubles?'

As he contemplated, he was more determined to not let his emotions sway his long term goal. 

They were enjoying their wishful thinking when Queen Rose appeared, having known that her son was back in the Castle.

"I appreciate your efforts to know my perpetrator, your Highness." She bowed down to him.