They continued to enjoy their time together as they played around the edge of the Ball's Pyramid amidst the peering eyes of the guards who were eyeballing them.

Some of the guards have already left to patrol the other areas. However, some were still left as if they were getting a thrill out of the view.

Seeing that the coast is still not empty, Erin raised her hand and introduced a game. 

"I know, let's do the most beautiful dive contest!"

"Here goes our event coordinator again," Zoe whispered to Raigon as she floated beside him.

"It's okay. The guards wouldn't suspect us as long as we are having the time of our lives. Are you having fun right now?" 

Raigon asked her in a voice so low it could sink under the waters.

"Yes." She answered as a smile worked its way into her mouth, her whole body and soul thrilled in the nearness of him. 

"How about you?" Zoe then curiously asked him.