Raigon was just right in time. At that moment, the Royal Council was having a heated debate about the debasement of Lord Vigo, being the head of the military division in Terra.

Duke Andras, his father and currently the High Chancellor of Terra, was also there, arguing about what he said is an improper and cruel punishment for his son. 

"How could you banish the leader of the royal armed forces for decades? It was not even his intentions to kill the King! The one who should be exiled is the guard who made a mistake in spilling the cursed arsenic!"

He growled in a deep angry voice to the other members of the Council like a lion snarling to the other wild animals in the jungle who are attempting to take over his kingship in their territory.

Some members of the Royal Council agreed with him as they also nodded their heads, pouring on the fuel of his wrath to defend his son.