"Please don't move much, Father." Princess Ara furrowed her eyebrows as she saw King Artair wincing in pain. 

"Why is he feeling the pain? Don't you have numbing herbs?" 

Her glaring eyes darted to Zoe, who was assisting King Artair so he can be comfortable while talking to her daughters that he hasn't met for a long time. 

"Ara, don't be harsh to her. She is an ally." King Artair halted Princess Ara from making any more demeaning comments.

"Forgive me, your Majesty." Princess Ara stepped backward and bowed to the King. But her jaws were still clenched.

"It's all right, your Majesty. I know she is just concerned about your welfare." Zoe replied with an understanding smile, making Princess Ara's face soften somehow.

"Don't worry, your Highnesses. He was slowly being weaned off from numbing medications so he would  be conscious enough to exercise his lungs for proper ventilation. It will be a bigger problem if he would acquire pneumonia or - "