Lady Wiktoria's flaring emotion was somehow abated as Lady Thana calmed her down. However it is still not enough for her to dismiss the issue just like that.

"Does the Queen know about this, your Highness?" She asked in a controlled manner as Raigon is still the land's Crowned Prince.

"Yes, madame." Raigon answered curtly, to Zoe's surprise. 

As she recalled, the Queen is still very rude towards her. Her shoulders dropped down as she could imagine herself living in the Castle with her cold shoulder everyday. 

However, it is an insufficient reason for her to give up on their relationship.

"And she agreed to it, your Highness?" Lady Wiktoria continued to interrogate Raigon as she raised an eyebrow in disbelief. 

Raigon paused for a few seconds before he added. "To be honest, she didn't at first. But I know she will soon. The first half of the condition was already met."