Everyone in the room was stupefied at Madame Lin's revelation. Lord Hou went near the window and peered at the vast expanse of their residence in deep thoughts.

Meanwhile, Erin continued to prod on the other details of the recent information that could be a way for Zoe to stay. 

"If Zoe would be the Queen of Terra, will that lift the ban from you as her grandmother?" 

Zoe gazed at her grandmother with hopeful eyes. In her heart, she really wanted to stay because of Raigon. But she also doesn't want her grandmother to fend for herself alone outside of Terra. 

She was reminded of how Lady Zhou treated her as a mere servant who has no right to live. She might have managed to escape from her. But she didn't know where she is staying now and if she is all right.

"Yes. My only fault is I fell in love with an outsider. But I never murder, stole or led other intruders here in Terra."