"I got you. " 

Zoe's comforting touch and warm smile seemed to calm Raigon's anxious nerves that were aching to do something about the situation in a savage way.

If Zoe wasn't around, he would easily swing his sword and cause another scene of carnage. Being pacified with Zoe's consolation, Raigon drew in a deep breath and brought down his sword, signaling his men to do the same. 

"Do what you want. I will back you up."

Zoe's lips curved into a smile as she heard Raigon's approval. This is not an ordinary chaotic mess but one that could determine the royal family's future. 

Her heart was about to burst from her lungs and she really wasn't that confident that she could change the situation. But Raigon's trust in her is enough for her to be bold in intervening this rising gamechanger.

"Thank you." Zoe bowed to him.