"I thought I lost you. You have been unconscious for one whole week!" 

Raigon flung himself to Zoe and crushed her with his embrace. He was expecting her to hug him too. But her whole body remained rigid and even slightly pushed him away.

Thinking that she was still in shock, she allowed her to rest still. "I'm just here. Tell me what you need."

He kissed her forehead and pulled up her blanket after he had laid her back on bed as it was only in the middle of the night.

'Raigon… How could you keep all those things hidden from me?'

She wanted to ask him. But she decided to just keep mum about it and chose to mourn over her parents while silently crying for them the whole night.

The next morning, Zoe arose from the bed early hoping he could talk to Raigon. But he has already left. Zoe's shoulders dropped as she went out of the Chamber. 

But to her surprise, there were royal guards who were guarding their room.