"Is this the end of my story? And the urban doctor who turned into a Crowned Princess got stuck in the dungeons forever."

Zoe smirked to herself as she stared at the four corners of the royal dungeons. 

"Raigon was right. A normal mind would go insane being stuck here forever even with all these glamour. And I am just stuck here for I don't know hours."

She recalled the first time that she was in the dungeons and she and Raigon solved an outbreak for one whole night.

"Will we ever do that again?" 

She sighed as she stared up the ceiling. She was tired of crying. It seemed like she was doing that all her life. This time, she wanted to take action. 

"But how can I if I'm stuck in this mess?"

As if someone had heard her thoughts and pitied her enough to answer them, a knock came on the door of her dungeon. 

Zoe immediately sat up and bolted towards it, wondering who it could be.

"You never stay quiet, do you?"