"What do you think, Uncle? Can we really talk about it? Are you willing to change the current style of management and align it according to Former Chairman William Cheng's vision for this hospital?"

Zoe asked sincerely to Uncle Bo, in the hearing of everyone in the room. As they heard her, all eyes glanced on the piece of board that was mounted up high on the wall behind the table. 

"To ensure accessible and affordable quality healthcare by compassionate medical professionals to all."

Some of them gulped while others lowered their heads as they glanced at one another as the issue about the current management rose up again wherein the directors have opposing views.

Zoe couldn't help but smile as she hit on the right target. But then Koby interfered and defended his cause.

Zoe's eyebrows furrowed as she narrowed her eyes on him, wondering how he could defend his point of view when it is completely the opposite of her father's.