Because of both Princess Ara's archery skills and Zoe's hands-on martial arts technique, they were able to pass through the hallways amidst the royal guards that were flocking to them.

One was about to hurt King Artair, but Zoe managed to trip his foot. However, his sharp sword brushed through her arm, making Zoe fall down as it bleeds.

"You can not hurt my princesses!" King Artair suddenly transformed into a vicious lion as he grabbed the sword that he was holding and thrust it into his abdomen with full force.

Zoe's face lifted somehow as it was wincing with the unbearable pain. She peeked over her arm, her face grimaced as she saw that it was deep in her muscles and would be needing stitching. 

To Zoe's amazement, Rose tore her royal skirt and spiraled it around her arm. "Hold on. We're nearing the end of this."