Chapter 5

It's been 3 months since Yuki first joined Fairytail. She slowly changed, came out of her quiet shell. She now wore a smile on her face everyday as she greeted her guild mates. It's quite a difference from when she first joined the guild with her stone faced Uchiha like nature.

I guess you could say being around a guild full of Roudy and messy people will change you.


"YUKIIII!!"Yelled a salmon haired boy as he ran towards clutching a peice of paper in his hand, followed by a flying blue cat named happy.


"Let's go on a mission together" He said as he passed the mission to Mira at the bar letting her stamp it before he grabbed it back, As he started running out of the guild hall pulling an irritated looking Yuki behind him.

--- Yuki POV

I sighed. Natsu have done it again. He have destroyed ANOTHER town all by himself while I ,Yuki Uchiha, tried to stop him but with no avail.

We are now on a train with Natsu's head in my lap sleeping while happy is curled up in Natsus arms sleeping.

If you were to tell me a year ago that I would have let a boy sleep in my lap, met new people, and found a new home I wouldn't believe you for a second. But here I am in the loudest and proudest guild in all of Fiore and I have never been happier.

I looked out the window watching the world go by. 'I wonder what Father is doing. He must be sad that I'm gone. I wonder how he is taking it hopefully Uncle Hashirama and Tobirama is helping him out.' I sighed again.

I've decided to keep the Sharingan a secret and not let anyone know about it or even copy someone else's magic. Not that I know I could if I tried. I'm keeping it a secret because if others found out they would probably want my eyes or use me for experiments and I dont want that thus having me not use the Sharingan. Though sometimes I train it just to keep it in shape and useful if I would happen to be in a tight spot that calls for me to use it.


Soon the train slows to a stop "WE'VE ARRIVED AT HAREGEON PORT ANY PASSANGERS THAT NEED TO GET OF HERE PLEASE GET OFF" a crakling voice said over the intercom

'Well I do have to say it's pretty interesting here with trains and all of the technological no how. Luckily I met a girl named 'Levy' and she lent me the books that I needed to explain about this world and the history behind it. '

I was soon snapped out of my thoughts as I heard a familiar voice that sounded alot like my salmon haired friend yelling.

Looking out the window I saw Natsu run all around the train depot startling people as he yelled " YES I'M OUT OF THAT DAMN METAL PRISION. I AM NEVER RIDING A TRAIN AGAIN"

I giggled at that. 'Wait giggled? ' I shook my head 'A Uchiha never giggle..well looks like I've changed alot more than expected' But I didnt let it worry me to much. As I slowly walked off the train carrying a sleeping Happy in my arms as he snuggled himself closer to my chest. Even though I want to get home I'm quite happy being here with the guild and everyone.


"Come on Yuki please by us dinner" Begged a Natsu and happy who were on their knees with their hands clasped together. I shook my head "No, Natsu I've already paid for the hotel room which you destroyed this morning in your fit of anger at happy for playing a prank on you.

Natsu blushed at that as Happy snickered to himself. "COME ON PLEASE" they begged as they gave me their best puppy dog eyes. Finaly I caved and nodded my head, as Natsu jumped up faster than I've ever saw him dragging my to the closest restaurant he can find leaving a drooling happy trailing behind us dreaming of all the fish he could eat.

'Kami, please dont tell father slept in the same room as a man without being married. I know it doesn't matter here but back at home we are still in what the people here call the 'Old days' or back then.'


Soon he stopped in front of a quaint looking wooden building that read 'The Boar head'. But that pause only lasted for a second as he drugged me through the doors, order food ,and started eating like he was starved for months on in. I shook my head at his overreaction like always 'He eats alot' I mused to myself as I listened to him recounting his events from yesterday, telling me about this 'Luigi' 'Luke' a random girl that paid for their dinner since I was off somewhere else in town looking at the missing persons reports.

"Ah so that's why you wasnt hungry." I said as

He nods rubbing his fully stomach as he burps loudly causing everyone to look at us weirdly which I just shrugged my shoulders to already used to it and his antics.

At that we left the restaurant, but not before happy had me buy him a big bag of fish from them for later.

"Hehe, the salamander was handsome wasnt he?" Asked a girl as she walked with her bestfriend holding bags of what looked like to be groceries. The other one nods as she giggles also whispering something to her friend.

I furrowed my brows at this as I turned towards Natsu only to notice that him and happy was missing. I rolled my eyes as I closed them reaching out with my chakra til I felt his magical signature.

'There!' I said mentally as I felt it over the ocean. 'Why?' I thought to myself as I took off running through town jumping over walls, running across rooftops til I was at the beach heading out into the ocean running across the water trying to get to my salmon haired friend as fast as I can before he got himself into trouble.

At the end of the day Natsu ended up destroying the port and gaining us another guild member. It was that 'Luigi' person he said paid for his and happy's dinner. She introduced herself as Lucy Heartfilia.

'Heartfilia?' I thought to myself as I ran with Natsu, Lucy, and happy which were running away from the guards chasing after us.