Chapter 15

"Yuki!" Yelled Master on top of the wooden bar.

-- Yuki POV

"Yuki" a voice yelled as I turned towards the direction to see Master waving me towards him. I then turned back around towards Lucy and Levy.

"i better go Master is calling me" I said.

Lucy nods and Levy replied "Well continue the conversation later." I nodded as I headed towards Master.


"Yuki the magic council specifically requested you for this mission." I cocked my head in confusion as Master continued "There was a recent sighting a dark guild called 'Phantom' and they've requested you to take it out for them." he finished as he handed me the mission request sheet. I took it "When do I leave?"

"Tomorrow" Replied Master as he ordered a beer from Mirajane. I nodded as I headed out of the guild to get my things packed.

---Time Skip--

"Another day huh?" I mumbled as I sat up and stretched. Soon I started getting ready for today.

---- Madara POV

I grinned as I watched 'Obito' see his lover die at the hands of the guy he considered as his rival as his friend. I watched as he unlocked the Mangekyo Sharingan. 'Good' I thought as I stopped watching what happened through Zetsus eyes.

'One step closer' I thought as I sat back within my chair waiting for him to return with more determination than before.

"Yuki" I whispered as I thought about my daughter. I looked for years trying to find her body but to no avail. Shes been gone..because of them because of Konoha. But soon they will pay, til then I must wait patiently.


"Your Yuki?" asked Crawford Seam as he watched her with weary eyes. Yuki nodded her head as she walked up towards the chairman.

He stared at her for a few seconds and then started laughing "Ms. Yuki you joined Fairytail a while ago havent you?" Yuki cocked an eyebrow and replied "Yes Sir"

"And you have been with" He looked down at some papers "Team Natsu" She nods once again "And what does this have to do with the mission?"

"We are locking you up Ms. Yuki" He said matter of factly. Yukis eyes widens "Why?"

He just smiled "We were curious about you so We've looked up your past only to find you have no past we dont even have a record of your birth. So for awhile we have kept an eye on you until Jura one of the wizard saints came up to us and told us the Magic council about your battle with Brain or also known as Zero for his counter part." He paused then began again "He told us you used something that didnt feel like magic he said it felt like much greater than magic" He finished as he laid his head on his hands and stared at her.

"And you expect me to tell you?" Yuki asked unsurely

He nods

Yuki then sneers "I dont have shit to tell you" as she crossed her arms "Go ahead and lock me up."

"GUARDS LOCK UP MS. YUKI" Yelled the Magic Chairman as he watched her.

--- 4 hours later

Yuki POV

I sighed once again as I sat upon the cot in the dungeon. 'They want to know about my chakra' I thought as I laid down on my back staring at the ceiling above me. 'I wonder how fathers doing? He must at least be lonely without me.'


"The meeting is over" Madara said as he got up and rubbed his head. "They wont ever quit complaining will they?" He mumbles as he walked out the room planning on to go to the training ground to train.

He just sighed wishing he was still a ninja going out on missions as he grabbed his ninja pouch.


He was about to go and pick up his Kunais as he heard a loud scream. He whipped his head around in direction of the scream "It sounded like yuki!" He said aloud as he started running in the direction of the scream til he came up on her room surround by other Uchiha member knocking asking her to let them in. He himself went to the door and knocked on it "Yuki let me in."

"No" Came out a muffled cry

He furrowed his brows as he knocked again a little harder "Yuki let me in before I break down the door" He said sternly.

A few moments later he heard clicking and the door opened a crack to were he could see his daughters face. It was all red and tear stained as she grabbed his hand and pulled him in and locked the door behind her.

"Yuki what's the matter?" He asked as he saw his daughter crying again. She hiccups and started speaking "Daddy I'm..."

He raised a brow as he walked over to her and got on his knees in front of her and wrapped her tiny body in his arms. "What is it Yuki?"

She circled her arms around him and clutched his tight "I'm bleeding and I dont know how I got injured..I just saw blood on the bed and.." She quit talking and just layed her head on his shoulders.

Madara raised an eyebrow knowing where this is going and that's hes going to have to and give her the talk.

"She's too young" He groaned aloud.

--- Flashback ENDED---

Yuki bursted out in soft chuckles as she covered her mouth. After awhile she yawns "Maybe i should sleep they cant hold me in here long anyway." She mumbles as she turned over.

'I will find away back home Father. Just wait on me.'