---Guild POV
"Hey Macao have you seen Master Recently?" asked Wakaba as he smoked his cigarette. The rest of the guild stopped to listen in.
Macao just shook his head no. As Kianna came up and placed some beer on the table.
"I dont know she hasn't been here for days." Said a guild member as they stood up.
"We shouldn't have been able to keep the title of the top guild. But we did. How?" asked Romeo as he sat by his father.
"Oh it's because of Master." replied Kianna
"Yuki?" Chorused the guild.
Kianna nods "Yes, when Master saw that we weren't doing missions she took it upon herself to do them and keep the guild up. Even though we dont have as many members as before she still kept us as the number 1 guild in Fiore." She pauses "But I wonder how will she do that for The Grand Magic Games?"
"The What?" asked Bisca as she put away her rifle.
"The grand magic games" Said a new voice as a person with a cloak strapped to her back.
"MASTER" shouted the Guild as they all got up and crowded around her.
"What is this Grand Magic Games?" asked a member.
--3rd person
"What is this Grand Magic Games?"
And at that Yuki started explaining the games and who is going to be participating.
---- 7 Years Later
"DAMN IT!" yelled a guild member as he slammed his beer mug on the table.
"Hey Macao you need to calm down" whispered Wakaba
"When are they coming back?" moaned Romeo as he banged his head on the table.
"I dont know but Master is trying her best keeping this guild from being disbanded." Said Kianna as she went back into the Kitchen.
"WE FOUND THEM" Screamed voices as the guild doors banged open.
---- Now with Yuki
"Miss Yuki we are hear by disbanding Fairytail." Said the Chairman as he got up and started to walk out.
"DISBAND" Yelled Yuki as she got up out of her seat with a menacing scowl.
The chairman stopped and turned around "Ms. Yuki you do know I'm the chairman of the Magic Council."
"Yes Sir I do but I dont agree with what you said "
The Chairman raised an brow as he headed back to his seat "And pray tell me why?"
Yuki then took a deep breath as she began
"First off Mister Chairman you cant just disband this guild. We may be the loudest, most destructive, the most infamous Guild but we have something that the others dont."
The Chairman looked piqued
"We will always be for each other." She then slammed her fist down upon the table in front of her "Do you know why we fight? We fight for each other everytime one of us fall we always get up and never give up. We are Fairytail and we will always fight each other and for each other. Everytime we bleed we bleed for what we believe in. Yes, we are your most destructive guild but who gives a fuck. When one of us fall one of us get injured we will always fight to get them back fight to help them. We dont care if everyone hates us, for we are family and family stays together."
And at that Yuki turned around and started towards the door but she stopped at the doorway "Do you know why we are called Fairytail?" She then turned back towards the Chairman "Its a mystery. It's a mystery on whether Fairys have tail or not. But that means we will always be a mystery and there will always be an adventure to go on in Fairytail." At that she left the room only to hear.
"Fairytail will not be disbanded" Yuki smiled once she heard this as she walked away.