Chapter 22

"Master Yuki where are you going? The tournament is this way." Pointed Kianna.

Yuki shook her head "Go on and tell the others I will be there soon. I..I have something to check out first." as she started walking away without hearing a reply. Kianna just nodded as she made her way to where it was held.


'Where is it? Where is it?' I thought to myself as I followed the strange magical signature. 'It feels familiar but..strange' I kept on walking til I came to the end of the trail.

I looked around to see that I ended up in front of a door a giant door. I looked at it studying it, center of the door is a sun with a darkened moon, Around the sun are several circles, the innermost one connecting the moon and twelve holes, one in each segments.

I furrowed my brows as I walked up to it just to touch it.

"Ugh WHAT THE HELL" I cursed aloud as I jumped back panting. 'My Magic... it was drained' I exclaimed in my mind.

"What the hell is this door" I whispered aloud as I examined it some more.

"Its the Eclipse Project Gate" Said a voice behind me as I turned around wielding my Katana that I extracted out of the seal upon my wrist. And I saw a figure..looks like a girl covered in a cloak the one I had been looking for.

"Who are you?" I asked

She looked at me and smiled "Its been awhile Master Yuki the last I have seen of you was you sacrificing yourself to save the innocents by using a spell that costed your life but you killed 3 of the dragons in which none of us could, they started from a few and had grown into many.." She whispered the last part as my eyes widen in realization.

Tears came out my eyes unknowingly as I choked out "L..Lucy?"


"Wheres Yuki?" Asked Natsu as he ran up to the Guild Members who was watching the Match of Pandemonium. Kianna turned around and smiled at Natsu "Matser said she had something else to do she will be here soon." Jellal grew a confused look on his face as it suddenly lit up with realization as he turned around and ran out of the stands hearing the others call out to him.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" growled Natsu as he started following him only to have him bump into Grey which caused an argument and a fight.

'I need to get to Yuki!' Thought Jellal as he ran to where Ur and Meredy was at to have them help searching for her.


"So that's what happened." I sat down on the ground and looked at the very door that caused my future self's death and many others.

"Indeed Master, I came here to fix what happened in the future" Said Lucy as she walked up to me and held out her right hand to help me up. I started at it in sorrow, she must've noticed "Master it isnt your fault you tried to protect us with all your power, you was on the battle field fighting dragons, saving our asses so many times til you done that spell. When you died all the Mark's disappeared but even when that happened we were still a guild fighting and protecting each other."

I smiled up at her as I took her hand "And that's all I can ask out of my children." I said as I dusted myself off still looking at the door. I started walking up to it while Lucy just looked at me like I was crazy as my hand started glowing a blue color and I touched the door.

"Still the same" I said as my hand left the door and turned towards Lucy once again. "How did my Magic feel when I used that spell? What spell was it? Did the Ground Glow like a seal? Rune? When did I use Kunyomi? Did a dragon ever attacked another? Did my eye color change? Was I pale?"

I kept firing these questions til I ran out of breath and she looked at me stunned but nevertheless she started answering them.


"Shouldnt Yuki be here already?" asked Natsu watching the battle of Laxus.

"COME ON LAXUS BEAT THEM!!!" yelled a guild member behind Natsu as Laxus looks like he was being beaten.

"Should we look for her?" asked Mirajane as she look towards Makarov.

"No" Said Mavis as she turned towards them. She then gets up and walked towards Lucy "You will be on in the next battle I heard." Lucy nods "Do well."

Just as they was about to turn back to the match they heard.

"Its an Illusion" they turned around to see who it was.

"YUKI WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" yelled Natsu as he ran up to her hugging her.

Yuki just smiled "I have been around, but I said I will be back and back I am."

"Illusion" Asked Lucy as she came up to Yuki she nodded. As she walked towards the edge watching the 'battle' and not listening to the others talk. She then turned on her Sharingan to see what's really happening when she saw nothing happening. She then turned her thoughts back to what Future Lucy had told her..


"It felt like Magic but something more something Ancient as the dragon who helped us said." Yuki nods as Lucy continues "You called out Ultimate Sacrifice as you did a chant." Lucy nods "The ground did glow it was like a rune a sign it was red as blood. Kunyomi? Yes several did and when that happened you always turned pale like it drained you but we never knew how and your eyes changed red at the beginning of the War and stayed that way all the time til you died."

Yuki stood there shocked 'The new Justu worked I actually finished it but from what it sounds like not all the way for it was suppose to just put me in a Coma for a few weeks not kill me' She then looked up "The Kunyomi is a demon armour its strong but it has the power of a demon within it."

Lucy eyes shined in realization as she nodded "You gave it to Mirajane". Yuki furrowed her brows but then remember that Mirajane has Satan Soul and the power to absorb anything related to demon. And the Armour is basically a demon. Its actually one of Zerefs demons...well it's two of his demons combined into one by one of the spys in the magic council.

It's the Lullaby and Deliora combined, Yuki came across it on an accident when she defeated a dark guild, but it wanted..needed another chance. She was able to understand They became friends and instead of giving him to the magic council Yuki decided to make a hollow armour with seals, Magic, and Chakra incorporated into it so she can seal him within it so when she fight he will help not as a tool but a partner.

"How do you plan on fixing what happened?" asked Lucy as she gazed upon the Gate.

Yuki just shook her head "We cant change the future much but we can change the things that could be."

"YUKI!!" yelled a voice from the entrance as she turned around to already see Lucy gone and Jellal running up to her.
