Chapter 25


"Ugh" I groaned as I slowly got up spotting a human girl with white hair and Yuki. Even though I didn't know her I check her anyway after I found out she had no injuries I then headed towards Master Yuki checked her and found out she was suffering from blood lost.

'I cant help her with that. All I can do is k-' I was cut off from my thoughts as I heard movement coming from the girl.


I opened my eyes to a clear blue sky. 'How? WENDY..MOTHER.' I shot up really fast to see Wendy sitting by Yukis body and watching me wearily. "Wendy how is she?" I asked as I walked towards her only to have Wendy attack me.

"Who are you?" She asked as wind started to pick up around her. I cocked my head in confusion "Its me Carla, Wendy." I stated as her eyes widen.

She shook her head "No...its impossible...your human not a cat. Carla's a cat.' And that's when I noticed I was tall, i reached my hand up to feel my face and hair. 'Its White..I'm human' I thought hesitantly. As I looked back at Wendy to see her staring at me with concern.

"I can prove I'm Carla" I said as I started walking towards her "Your Wendy Marvel. Sky dragon slayer. You raised me from an egg, your original guild was Cait Shelter then when Nirivana happened Fairytail became your guild. That's Yuki" I said as I pointed towards her "And we both see her as a mother." It took awhile for Wendy to digest the information.

Wendy then shot up and jumped on me making me fall to the ground with her hugging onto my neck. "Oh Carla I thought I lost you." She mumbled. "I will always be by your side Wendy that's what Sister and Partners do" I said as I hugged her back.

After awhile we got up and went over towards Yuki "How is she?"

Wendy just shook her head "She will be fine but she has lost alot of blood." I nodded as I looked around "Where are we?"

"I dont know, but we will have to wait til Yuki wakes up. So let's gather firewood?" asked Wendy as she got up. I nodded as we walked into the woods making sure we dont stray to far from Yuki incase someone stumbles upon her.