Chapter 42

[Three days later after the last chapter]


A woman with floor length bloodied white hair is now collapsed on the floor coughing up blood as a man with a katana within his hand is standing over her.

He looked at her without a ounce of pity "It's over for you now Eri" He said as he slowly lifts his Katana above his head to strike the final blow once to stop as she looks up at him with a sad smile on her bloodied face.

"So, you chose to believe them?" She asks as she choked out a laugh "You will live forever more with darkness on your back my old friend." He continues to stare at her with disgust on his face as he proceeded to kill her as she uttered her last whisper.

"You will soon regret it Zeref"


Yuki bolted up out of her nightmare as she gasped for breath within the darkness of her room.

'What the hell?' She thought to herself as she forced herself to calm down from the dream. 'Zeref?' she mused thinking back to where she had heard that name before, as she suddenly gasps in remembrance "Dark Wizard Zeref! But what does this dream mean?" She asked herself aloud as she fell within her thoughts.

---- Orochimaru Base---

A teenager with raven black hair that stuck far back slowly walked down the corridor making his way to his sensei.

"Done?" His sensei asked as he walked out of the darkness showing himself to his 'student' more like container.

His student looked up at him as he nods and walks out but not before saying "I'm going asleep dont disturb me." causing his sensei to sneer behind the boy.

When he was out of sight a man with grey hair and glasses walked into the corridor "Orochimaru-sama" He said as he made his way up to his leader "The project is finsihed."

Orochimaru nods as he turned around and walked down the corridor to the third door on the right and opened it into a room with a container with a person inside of it. "Soon, Sasuke will be mine." He said as he looked over the reports on the desk not caring about the person in the tank who heard his words.

'Sasuke?' they thought as they watched their tormentor look through the results that was from the test they'd done with his blood.

---Konoha ----

A blonde haired boy stood in the middle of the room giving his report to the busty pale blonde haired woman behind it, with her assistant by her side.

"....Granny Chiyo brought Gaara back alive'" He finished with a solemn look on his face. The woman nods as she spoke "I'm sorry Naruto." She spoke as the boy nodded before she continued "We have news from the new village."

Naruto's head snapped up with a questionable look on his face "What did they say Granny?" He asked causing the woman to grow a tick mark on her head at the use of the word 'Granny'.

She sighed as she resigned once again to the fact that he will always call her 'granny' no matter what she said in retaliation.

"We have a meeting with them. And apparently the new Kage is Wendy's mother Yuki Uchiha." She said as she thinks back to when Shikamaru told her.


Tsunade sighs as she threw away the last of the reports that were laying haphazardly on her desk as she reached over to the tray at the end, grabbed the bottle of sake and a cup.

Slowly she poured herself some sake, just as she was about to drink it a knock sounded on her door once again.

'When will I get peace?' she growled in her thoughts as she quickly downed her cup of sake, used the back of her hand to wipe the excess that was on her lips as she called out "Come in."

When she said that Shikamaru walked into the office "Lady Hokage." He began "I I something to report to you on the new village."

Tsunade raised a brow as she replies "Proceed"

Shikamaru sighed and started speaking "When I was finished with giving you the report on the new village. Wendy and Carla came running after me saying "Why do you smell like her?" It took me a little bit to understand stand what they meant, but I have a theory that the KamiKage could be their mother." Shikamaru finished as he looked at his Hokage wondering what she will decide about this new development.


Narutos eyes widen as he heard this, he began to speak

"The Same wo-" Tsunade nods cutting him off getting straight to the point. "Yes, you, Wendy, Carla, Kakashi, Sakura, and Shikamaru will accompany me." Naruto nods at her words as she dismissed him for the day but before he made it thought the door she called out to him once again.

"Oh, Naruto they also have a Jinchuriki." Naruto eyes widen but soon sadness was found within them for he knew how Jinchurikis were treated as he himself is one.

"Naruto, I know you care. But you shouldn't be." She said as she got up and walked towards him putting a hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"Shikamaru said that they treated him with respect and no one fears him."

---? Location---

A black cloaked figure is bowed on his knee to a man with bandages wrapped around his arms and eye.

"Danzo-Sama, we received word that Lady Tsuande will be leaving Konoha soon to visit the 'Haru no sato'

Danzo fell into deep thought when he heard what his ninja said as he said aloud "Follow them from a distance and tell me all you find out about this village."

The nin nods as he Shunshins from the spot leaving Danzo there with his thoughts.

-- Back with Yuki---

"Past life?" A girl with floor length pale blonde hair and green eyes said as she looked at one of her many children for all the ones who bare the mark of fairytail is her children her family.

The woman with waist length black hair shook her head as she sat down with a sigh "Master Mavis, what should I do? I keep having these dreams some about Zeref, some about dragons, the tailed beasts, and then some more about two men who I considered as sons within the dream seal me..stopping me from doing something."

Mavis looked at her child with pity in her eyes as for she knew the dreams will get much more clear and different.

'Oh, Yuki I'm sorry my child but I cant tell you what's happening you will have to figure it out yourself all I can do is lead you in the direction you need to be going' Mavis thought to herself.

Mavis smiled sadly as she walked up to her child and hugs her "You will figure it out soon I know you will my child, just keep on trying."

Yuki nods as she hugs first Master back.

A knock soon sounded on the wooden door breaking up their moment. A voice sounded through it a little muffled "Lady KamiKage, your guests have arrived within the forest they should be at that gates in an estimate of 10 minutes."

When this was said Yuki got up and made her way to the door putting her hand on the handle as she looked back at Mavis "Thank You." She said as she twisted the knob opening the door and making her way out of the room heading towards the village gates to greet her guests.

"Prepare some rooms for them." She said to her assistant who was walking besides her.


Yuki stood outside the gates watching the Hokage and her crew making their way towards her. Yukis eyes widen behind her hat as she spotted her daughters within their group. 'Carla...Wendy' she thought to herself barely keeping her composure together, She wants to hug them so bad.

"Hello, Kamikage." The busty blonde woman said as she held out her hand for Yuki to shake which, she compiled not noticing Wendy and Carla struggling to keep themselves from hugging their mother to death. But finally their determination broke as they ran up and hugged the daylights out of their mother when she released Their Hokages hand.

"oof" Yuki gasped out as her daughters squeezed the life out of her. She shifted around as she moved her arms to hug them both tightly while kissing the top of their heads.

Tsunade and the group behind her smiled in happiness for Wendy and Carla had finally found their mother after all of these years. But there was one within the group that although he smiled he felt a little bit jealous that the both of them had a mother but he didn't he never had one growing up. But he was still happy for his friends finding their mother.

Finally when Wendy and Carla had enough of hugging her they pulled away, as Wendy crossed her arms with anger written on her face and Carla back a little ways behind her for she knew what would happen.

Wendy looked her mother in the eyes as she spoke in a creepily calm voice "Where were you? Why didnt you find us? We thought you had died or still in the hands of the damn pedophile" She ranted as she started pacing back and forth yelling, and shouting out questions til she finally came to the last one which she asked with tears streaming down her face "Do you not love us anymore?"

Yukis heart broke at the sight as her knees buckled and she fell down onto the ground on them. She looked at her daughter tear stained face and pulled her towards her petting her hair in comfort.

"Oh, Wendy my dear child." She whispered as she pulled Wendy away from her and wiped her tears away with her thumb "I never stopped loving you and Carla. You both are my precious children. I'm sorry I didn't come and find you both or letting you know that i was still alive." Wendy looked like she was about to speak again but Yuki cut her off "I know, theres no excuse for what I had done. I just hope that you both will forgive me for what I had done." Yuki finished as she looked over Wendy's shoulder towards Carla who also had tears down her face. "But, I did what I thought was right." Yuki continues as she looked back at Wendy "I was weaker back them than I am now, I couldn't protect you both and myself then. especially against the Snake Sannin, plus I also knew Konoha would keep you both safe for it was my home before we meet."

Wendy nods as she hugged her mother again and Carla joins her not soon after. Yuki smiles as she looks up at the Hokage and her companions mouthing a silent thank you to them all.

When they were finished with their moment the Hokage decided to introduce her other nins to the KamiKage.

"This is Sakura Haruno my apprentice" She said as she pointed towards the pink haired Kunoichi who waved as she said "We meet before."

Yuki nods as she listens to the other introductions.

"The blonde knucklehead and out most unpredictable ninja here is Naruto Uzamaki" Naruto nods as he smiles saying "Wendy and Carla are my best friends." She smiles at the blonde nin sensing nothing but happiness radiating off of him like the sun.

"Shikamaru Nara, you meet him and his team not but a few days ago."

Yuki nods as she murmurs "I remember him.

Tsuande smiles as she introduces the last person within her group as she points towards a silver haired man reading an orange book "The pervert over there is Kakashi Hatake." Kakashi nods with a 'Yo'.

"Pleasure to meet you all" Yuki says.


The Hokage and her companions walked through the village looking around seeing people and families smiling as they going about their day greeting their Kags and doing their own business. Kakashi with confusion on his face as he thinks he recognizes some of the people within the village as missing nins, his fingers twitches to get the bingo book out of his pocket but doesnt for that may seem rude.

"Nice Village you made Yuki-Sama" Sakura said as she watches a family shop from market stalls.

Yuki smiles at this as she shook her head "I wasn't the only one who created this village." she replied catching the attention of the group once again.

The Hokage spoke up "Oh? May we asked who helped you?"

Yuki laughs as she says "Look around Tsunade-sama" Causing confusion within the group as they looked around only to have Kakashi have realization and Tsunade catches on.

"Missing nins helped you?" Kakashi said in a matter-of-factly voice. Making the group to gasp in shock. Yuki nods as she turns around letting go of her daughters hands. "Yes Kakashi, I and missing nins made this place. Do you know why?"

Kakashi shook his head.

"Because everyone deserves a second chance at live and love. Sometimes people become missing nins because of their family or its what's expected of them. Look at the Jinchuriki of your village and all the others you all abuse them and harm them, thinking they are the demon that they contain and not the human child that they all. They never had a choice or chance to deny the seal, no you people gave them no choice you just say "Here you go. you got the seal, now your a demon get the hell away." Well that isnt how it works Kakashi. Then you have people that become missing nins to help their family or because they cant stand their village no more like Kiri. Kiri started killing people with Kekkei genkai and making them kill their friends they went to academy with. So they ran away and became missing nins, theres so many ways they became missing nins and when they do you label them for life without giving them a chance to repent o-" Yuki then stopped herself before she went on a even longer discussion...rant on why she made this village.

But what she has already said shocked and made some of them think about what they had said or done in their past.

Sakura thinking about the way she treated Naruto in the past yelling at him and calling him a demon.

Tsunade about Orochimaru and her dead lover and brother.

Kakashi thinking about Itachi and how he murdered his clan. 'Could someone...Could Third-sama have ordered him to do it?'

While Naruto is thinking back to when and now where the village is yelling at him, making him get out of the stores or even over pricing all the items.

While Wendy and Carla is thinking about what could've happened to their mother over these years.

But soon they were all brought out of their thoughts a yell of "MAMA!" as a blur of a child jumped into the waiting arms of the Kamikage.