Chapter 43


But soon they were all brought out of their thoughts a yell of "MAMA!" as a blur of a child jumped into the waiting arms of the Kamikage.


The groups eyes widens as they all scream "WHAT!!!" Watching Yuki hug and kiss a girl that dont look much older than six.

"Mama, I missed you." She said sweetly as she looked up at her mother. Yuki smiles as she gazed back down at her other daughter with warmth in her eyes.

*COUGH* A cough sounded breaking their contact apart as they turned and looked at the nins to see a variety of dumbstruck and curious expression from them all. But the main ones that struck Yuki hard was the looks she got from her other daughters betrayal and pain were written within their expressions.

Her eyes widen as she realized she hadn't told them yet. Sighing heavily she picked up her six year old placing her on her hip and started speaking/introducing her daughter "This is my daughter Mia, She was officially adopted by me 3 years ago when this village first started and we didnt have an orphanage yet as we do now."

She looked back at her daughter within her arms as Mia smiled sweetly at the Nins "" She finished in a whisper knowing that the ninjas would understand what she meant by that.

Tsunade's eyes widens as she thought 'You've fallen even farther Orochimaru'

Naruto's confusion was replaced with a bittersweet smile.

Wendy's and Carla's eyes widen as they slowly walked up with Carla whispering "Sorry for..thinking the things I did In my mind Mother." Wendy nods in agreement.

Yuki just smiles as she sets Mia down introducing her to her sisters. "Mia this is Wendy and Carla you elder sisters." Mia gasped as she started gushing "Mama talked alot about you two, about how she loved and missed you. And also about how strong you two must've gotten..." She continued on and on without stopping for air, which caused her face to turn red as she paused to take a deep breath.

The others laughed at Mia and her cuteness causing her face to grow flush with embarrassment.


Tsunade, Kakashi, Sakura, and Naruto now stand in the shade of the trees watching children having fun playing in the park. While Shikamaru, Wendy, Carla and Mia walked around the village, with Mia playing around with them leaving the other four with the Kamikage to speak alone.

Tsunade turned away from the kids playing looking at Yuki "You have a beautiful village and I dare to say more so than Konoha."

"Thanks Tsuande-Sama" Yuki replied as she watched the children play in the park. A comfortable silence has fallen over the group as Naruto watched the Kamikage closely as if inspecting her.

---- TIMESKIP---

"Alliance is Sealed" Yuki says as she rolled up the scroll that she signed and handed it back Tsunde in which she put away so she doesnt lose it.

Tsunade gets up and shakes Yukis hand as Yuki spoke "We have prepared rooms for you and your nins. 'Kit' will escort you to them so you can clean up before dinner. Tsunade nods "Thank you" as she turns around and followed 'Kit' out the door with her Shinobi following behind her.

Sighing heavily Yuki requips into her Kumyomi armour calling out "Aqua and Emu" The said people came out of the shadows and bowed towards her "We seem to have some rats to take care of. Aqua take the 3 west, Emu 2 north and I will get the ones left over, bring the dead bodies to T&I and the medical wing to have them examined." With that all three of them Shunshined out of the room to their selective places ready to kill the intruders who dare to enter without permission.

---Flash Back----

Yuki gasped as she walked out of her house that she made to see snow on the ground. 'That's wired' she thought as she knew it was the middle of summer so there should be no snow whatsoever on the ground.

Requiring into her wind armour 'Aera' she started her treck through the snow heading towards who or whatever may have caused this disturbance. Walking past some trees 3 cloaked figures were laying on the ground with red blood all around the contrasting quite greatly against the pure white of the snow.

Not knowing whether or not they were the enemy she crept slowly towards them making sure not to whatsoever activate her Sharingan even though her instinct is telling her that she have to. 2 meters away from them she stopped and listened closely trying to detect any form of movement. When met with none she finished walking to them and crouched down still in a defensive position as she reached over towards the ones in front of her throat. 'about dead' she thought as she leaned over to the last two checking them also finding them in the similar shape to the first one. Looking down at their bodies she could see caked and dried up blood on their clothes and body. 'Might as we carry them home and fix them up'


She moved the hood of one of their cloaks only to find another one under it.

'Wha?' She thought as she removed the other one. 'Ano- No Gengutsu' She finished as she made a hand sign and said "KAI" to release it, only to see the hood still up on his head so she couldnt see the face. "Damn" She cursed under her breathe as she tried again but with her Sharingan only to have nothing whatsoever. Brow twitching she finally threw her hands up and stalked out of the room leaving them to rest.


Hearing a floor board creak Yuki jump out of her bed grabbed the Kunai from under her pillow as she slowly snuck out of her window. Landing softly on the grass she crept around her home til she got to a window, she peeked in to see three shadows within her living room.

'Who- Ohh they're the three I saved' She thought as she tried to make out what they were saying from here but only got a few words and murmurs.


Unsealing her sword from the seal on her wrist and masking her chakra. She Shunshined into the shadow ,where a seal was present, that always stayed a shadow even when theres light out.

Making sure where they were located at Yuki charged at the one closest to her tackling him to the ground with a sword to his throat as her two shadow clones managed to take this as a distraction and had the other two with a Kunai to the neck.

"Who are you?" Yuki growled out as she glared at the person beneath her. Silence was her only answer, pressing the sword more firmly to his neck to where it brought out blood she asked again "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" But still she got silence from the three.

Eyebrow twitching she lifted her sword and brought it back down towards the person on the ground making them stiffen and the other two try and get free to no avail. As the sword slashed down she moved it slightly to where it would cut his hood making it split apart and she could finally see his face and forehead protector.

She studied him for awhile before she remembered where she saw him from.

'Bingo Book'

"Yoshi Yotsuki" Yuki said confidently as she looked up towards the other two "And it was said he was last traveling with Missing Nins: Shi Furuya and Chiyo Genji. All three are missing nins from Kumo."


Yuki put a hand on her forehead in exasperation at the three in front of her. "Ok, so let me get this straight you want me to be leader of the new village which will accept missing nins or people who needs a second chance..etc" She finished earning serious nods, smiling brightly Yuki spoke with happiness in her voice "Ok I accept"

Yuki was more than happy for this village will become her other family, her children no matter how old they may be. 'New beginnings huh.'