A Strategic Retreat (6.2)

In another place, there was a square off between two men, "So, you've shed the disguise, have you?" Julian asked, looking Kaedan up and down.

"You've known?" The older man asked, raising an eyebrow.

Julian barked out a laugh, "Oh, how sweet. You really thought I didn't know? Please, Kiera—Or I suppose, you go by Kaedan now, don't you? I'm a Rowlock, I have my ways of getting information. Something like that wasn't going to stop me from getting what I wanted."

"Interesting. I thought it would bother you now that I'm a man. Or could it be that you don't actually see me as one or something of that sort?" Kaedan said as he rolled his eyes.

Julien shook his head, an arrogant smile on his face, "It's a matter of statements. I said that I would make you mine, which means I must have you. If I go back on my own word, what kind of message would that send to the people I'm meant to rule?"

Kaedan only sighed, "Buddy, please go back on your word, absolutely no one is complaining about that. But, you know, I'm kind of curious. What even got you so obsessed with me to start with?" He said as they circled each other, the whip in Kaedan's hand trailing along the ground.

"Quite a simple thing, really," Julian shrugged, "You were the only person other than my sister to say no to me."

Kaedan stopped, staring at him, "...That's it?"

"Is that so shocking?"

"A little bit," Kaedan admitted, "Seeing the monster you've become, it's quite difficult to remember you were once a human at all. So, you've had this childish obsession for what—Twelve years now? That's quite pathetic, honestly."

Julian hummed, "Well, I'm sure you could call it an obsession. I do want you, and I can say that time has treated you very well," Kaedan felt his skin crawl when Julian looked him up and down again, "I definitely want you to belong to me, but I certainly won't go ripping my hair out for it. I can have any pretty face I want. Though I can certainly see why I was so taken with you when I was younger. Just being around you makes me…Well," Julian licked his lips, "I think we should have some fun, Kaedan Hernandez."

"I'm certain I would be flattered if this was coming from anyone other than you," Kaedan muttered, "Besides, I'm already spoken for."

"Ah, yes. Alexander Liu, no?" Julian drawled and Kaedan tensed a bit at this, "I've never seen him but I'm sure I'm better than him."

Kaedan snorted, "—Trust me, kid. You're not. Xander can put actual models to shame, so imagine what you'd look like next to him. I might actually feel pity for you."

Julian's eyebrow twitched, "Whatever he looks like, you'd really marry him over me? Do you really think a man like that is meant for marriage? His history isn't unknown, it's only a matter of time until he—"

Kaedan cracked his whip, "That's enough," He said, his eyes burning with anger, "I don't appreciate you talking about my man that way. I think I should teach you a lesson about respecting your elders, little boy."

Now, that got a reaction from Julian, the younger man clearly annoyed at the reference to his age and how young he was. He charged at Kaedan, sword at the ready as the other man wrapped the whip around the sword and tugged it out of Julian's reach. He used his gloved hand to grab the sword and point it at Julian. Somehow, the man had unsheathed a second sword while Kaedan wasn't watching, but the older man didn't hesitate to wrench it out of his hand. As soon as he threw the sword off of him, Kaedan threw his whip into his gloved hand and slipped around Julien.

As the other man was thrown off by Kaedan's sudden increase in strength, Kaedan took this to his advantage and kicked him in the back, throwing him to the ground. As Kaedan grabbed the sword and went to stab it downwards, Julian barely dodged the sword and kicked Kaedan's legs out from under him.

Kaedan fell to the ground, then he was tackled to the ground by Julian. The man on top began to rain punches down on any part of Kaedan that he could reach. As Kaedan blocked the punches with his arms in an "X" across his upper body.

He kicked blindly, hoping to hurt Julien in some way. Finally, he happened to kick Julian in one spot, making the man keel over. As the grip on him loosened, Kaedan tossed the man off of him, pinning him down.

"Stop...Struggling…" Kaedan gritted as he pulled the man up just enough to smash him down again, making sure he hit his head, "Just ...Pass...Out…" He groaned.

He smashed him down one more time, and Julien completely passed out. Drenched in sweat, Kaedan stood up. He walked over and grabbed his sword and slowly made his way back over to the man that passed out.

"You know, usually I'd think this was unfair, killing an unconscious man. But with all the mania and havoc you've caused, I probably wouldn't be able to kill you while you were awake without taking some serious damage myself," Kaedan murmured as he held the sword above the man's heart, "Goodbye, Julian Rowlock,"

Suddenly, there was a gunshot.

Kaedan grasped his shoulder, "Fuck! Who the fuck do you think—" He cut himself off as he saw the guard, aiming the gun at him again, this time, toward his head.

Oh, fuck.

Before he could do anything, though, the guard himself collapsed after a loud bang, revealing an older woman pointing a gun to the back of his head. Kaedan recognized her immediately and tensed up. He had no idea what she was going to do, but to his surprise, she dropped the gun and almost sprinted over to him.

"You need to get out of here," She said roughly, helping him up to the best of her abilities. He let himself lean on her for a few seconds before shifting his weight to center himself as he looked down at her.

"Why now? You had so much time to save her. You had so much time to do something about him," Kaedan asked,

"I'm a damn coward, Kaedan Hernandez, I'm not afraid to admit it. I practically walked into a grave I dug for myself. I really thought I could use him to help my family, I thought…I thought I could do what my sister couldn't. What a misguided fool I was. I understand if you feel no sympathy for me, I do not blame you. Even Minakshi saw it before I did. I can't believe that it took all of this," She gestured around, "To open my eyes. I didn't want to see what was happening. But I can't stay blind forever. I made my mistakes, and if I have to pay with my life, then so be it," The woman said, helping him walk down the hidden hallway.

Kaedan didn't know what to say. It was safe to say he had suspected that the situation with Mina's mother was complicated, but being a bystander didn't mean that she was free of any fault. He could understand though, that there really was not much she could have done, not in this monarchy. It wasn't his place to judge. He hadn't been through it. It was up to Mina whether she was going to forgive her mother or not.

"Why would you help me? I'm sure your husband has his opinions on me, I thought that you—" Kaedan was cut off by her dry laugh, and he almost felt bad just by hearing the pitiful sound.

"In case it was not clear, I was basically a trophy wife. I thought…I was an idiot. My sister thought she could use his wealth and status to save our parents who were ill but she…The King fell in love with her. And he doesn't take kindly to being used. After she died, I thought I…I thought I could do better than her. I thought I could just…Play the part of the quiet wife and keep my family alive but…My sister managed to break a broken man. My parents were killed and I got trapped here. Ironically, I stayed to save my kids because running meant all three of us would probably be killed. Isn't it funny how that works? I stayed to save them and look at what has happened to them," She said, looking down, "Julian…His father got to him when he was young. I tried to do something but it was already too late. With Minakshi, I…I was glad she didn't end up like him but she has been through so much hurt. And it was all my fault."

Kaedan was beginning to feel bad for the woman.

"But why me? Of all people, you chose to help me? You could have gone straight to her," He asked, leaning on her to limp the rest of the way.

"Because I know you'll continue to protect her. I know you. I watched you grow up with her, Kaedan, I know you love her the way her brother should have loved her," She paused for a moment, "And also, you were the only one without backup."

"Okay, that makes a lot more sense," Kaedan muttered.

"It's the least I could do. If you died, the Minakshi, she—She wouldn't have survived that. She already lost Emilio back then. She can't lose you as well," Mina's mother simply said and felt around the wall before pushing in a certain part, opening the door, "You need to go, now. I'd come with you but…" She looked back to the room Julian was in and Kaedan's eyes softened in understanding, "I have to do what I should have done years ago."

"I understand. If—If it was possible, Mina wouldn't be against hearing you out. While I don't think she feels you're completely innocent, she definitely doesn't hate you."

"And that's enough for me. Kaedan, it is very unlikely I'll make it out of this castle alive," She said, rushing a bit, "Just...Tell her I'm sorry that I couldn't protect her, that I was so powerless during this. Tell her that I...I love her and I always have, and even if I don't deserve to be called her mother, she will always be my daughter. Tell her that I'm proud of her, will you?" She said, and with that, she pushed him into the door and closed it behind him before Kaedan could do anything.

In the tower staircase, Kaedan leaned against the wall, "Fuck, man. How am I supposed to tell her…" He sighed, dropping his head back against the wall as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "You know what, I'll deal with that later. It sure would be great to have some help or a first aid kit right now," Kaedan hinted at no one in particular. As no one seemed to be around, or at least, no allies, Kaedan sighed and opened the next door, "Stairs. Gosh diddly darn, I love myself some fucking stairs. Hey, Universe, I'd applaud you for your comedic timing right now if I wasn't so tempted to throw myself out a fucking window," Kaedan groaned.

As he limped down the stairs, he saw a huge explosion out of the side of the castle. Then, he saw a man with dark hair tied in a long ponytail, and a woman with waist-length, chestnut brown hair jump out of the way for an onslaught of bullets.

"Goddammit, Leon! This is all your fault!" Yup. That was definitely Lumina.

Kaedan sighed before pulling out his phone and scrolling down to a familiar contact, "Mina? You out?" Kaedan asked. 

"Yeah, but Risále isn't with me. We need to talk when we get home," Mina replied.

As another explosion occurred, Kaedan heard another familiar scream, "Leon! Do not destroy the place!"

"Don't worry. She's fine. I'm gonna check in with Owen and Fenix, make sure they're alright," Kaedan said, choosing not to mention his encounter with her mother just yet.

"Okay. Get out of here safely," Mina said and hung up. 

Kaedan called another number as he tore off a part of his shirt and began to wrap it around his shoulder where the bullet had grazed him, "Owen? Are you guys out?"

"Yup. And we found Nia on the way. We're heading back to Lumina's house since nowhere is safe anymore and these two idiots are injured," It sounded like Owen was running.

"Injured? Are they alright?" Kaedan asked, worried.

"They're fine, we'll explain more later. Trust me, if you hear what happened now, I'm sure your blood pressure is going to skyrocket."

"...Never mind. I don't think I want to know."

"Are you out?" Owen asked urgently, and Kaedan sighed.

"Nope. I'm trying. I might need someone to help me, though. I'm a little bit injured and kind of defenseless but I'm almost out anyway so I hope I can manage?" Kaedan said, taking one step down the stairs and wincing, "Oh, this really fucking sucks, dude."

"...And now I'm concerned," He could hear the worry in Owen's voice.

"You know what, I need to focus right now if I'm going to get out of here. I promise I'll be alright. We're all going to meet up back at Lumina's place, okay?" Kaedan said soothingly.

"...If you die, I will personally drag you out of hell myself. I still need to know so much about literally everything," Owen replied.

Kaedan rolled his eyes, "I'm glad that's the extent of what I mean to you. Anyway, don't worry too much, I'll see you see you soon, alright?"

"Alright, be careful Kaedan." 

As he hung up the phone, Kaedan stared out the window.

"Goddammit. I really hate stairs."