Tentative Armistice (13.3)

It was completely dark when Hyunwoo and Val had finally gotten close to the house. Risále had been tasked with finding the rest of the plastic plates and cups while everyone else got the mansion ready for the surprise, but she hadn't excepted how much stuff she'd have to move to get to the damn utensils in the surprisingly large pantry.

"Jesus Christ, I get that fourteen people is more than what we're used to but this many utensils?" She muttered to herself, "And of course, get the short one to do it even though we have a couple of skyscrapers too, makes total sense."

"They seem to have a lot of belief in your strength," A voice called from the doorway to the pantry. 

Risále let the grin spread on her face, "Am I to believe that you don't agree with them, then, Miss Callahan?"

"I won't underestimate your strength, but it would be easier if two people were to work on it. And I'm assuming your height is a bit of a detriment here," Bella said, walking in towards her, the darkness casting shadows on her face. 

Risále pouted, "You don't need to rub it in, I just need some of those boxes out there moved out of the way, I think the utensils are back there—" She cut herself off immediately as Bella kept moving closer. Risále stepped back so the older woman wouldn't crash into her, taking another step, then another, then another until her back hit the shelf, "Uh, let me just move out of the way—"

"No need, I can get to it just fine like this," Bella leaned forward, putting one hand on the shelf itself, caging Risále in while using the other to push the boxes aside. In the darkness, Risále could make out the glittering amusement and…Something else in the other woman's eyes. As she reached further back behind Risále, she leaned down a bit, and the shorter woman could tell immediately.

Bella was doing this on purpose.

Well, two could play at that game. 

Risále leaned back, letting Bella completely cover her as the taller stepped closer, barely leaving a gap between them. Risále hummed, a small grin on her face as she turned around, feeling Bella's body against hers. Rising on her tiptoes, she let her hand feel around as if she couldn't tell where the utensils were, letting her hand touch Bella's arm multiple times, "I still don't think I can reach it, you mind pulling it forward for me?" She asked, looking over her shoulder.

Bella silently stepped forward and Risále could barely hold in the gasp as she felt Bella's hand against her bare abdomen when she reached up, simultaneously pulling the utensils forward and pulling Risále back against her, "Can you reach it now?" It seemed like her voice had dropped an octave as she practically whispered it into the other girl's ear. 

Risále gulped and leaned up on her tiptoes again, only to feel Bella's hand slip from on top of her shirt to the bare warm skin of her midriff underneath. Within seconds, Risále was turned around, back pressed against the shelves as Bella crowded against her, grabbing her by the chin to tilt her head up. 

There was a question in her eyes, a question that Risále was practically on her knees to answer. Her hands moved from her side to drag themselves up Bella's white top and settle on her shoulders. Just as she was about to lean into her, Risále heard someone clearing their throat.

"Certainly hoping that I'm not interrupting something, but we do need those utensils sooner rather than later," Hyunwoo was leaning on the doorway, a knowing smile on his face.

"Hyunwoo! I—Uh, where's Val?" Risále exclaimed, her face heating up as she practically stumbled back onto the shelf. Bella quickly wrapped one arm around her back to stop her from falling.

"Careful," The taller woman said, before letting go and grabbing a couple of boxes of utensils, "Perfect, you're here. You can help with some of the boxes, looks like our little blueberry could use it."

Hyunwoo laughed that charming laugh as he walked over to them, easily grabbing a few boxes, "Come on, Mira, if you keep teasing her like this, you're going to break her. We don't want that now, do we? Besides," He looked at Risále before leaning down to murmur into her ear, "I think would be a bit too early, we should have a bit more fun," Bella made a noise that wasn't quite confirming nor denying. Pulling away from the shorter woman, he leaned over to press his lips against the ginger's, "Let's go, come on. Oh, and to answer your question from before, Nia is keeping them distracted," He tugged on her arm lightly before pulling her out of the room.

"See you later, blueberry," Bella called back, "A little warning though, I can be a bit impatient."

Risále was left alone in the pantry, and after a few minutes of trying to calm her breathing and stop the haze clouding her mind, "Fucking teases, both of them," She muttered under her breath as she finally walked out

She helped Lumina and Mina set up the utensils around the table in the backyard but it was within a few minutes that Mina asked, "So, what's gotten into you?"


"You're looking at those utensils like you're going to snap them in half."

Risále looked at the bent spoon in her hand and then looked over at Bella and Hyunwoo on the couch, the two of them pressed up against each other, Hyunwoo laughing at something while Bella smiled fondly, watching him. Risále turned away, glaring at the spoon in her hand, "Those two are actual menaces. They really decided to be that hot and polyamorous, yet somehow expected me to not be head over heels for them."

Lumina choked on her drink, "That was direct, I certainly wasn't expecting that."

"Yeah, well, dear lord, I'm jealous of Leon. If both of them liked me…" Risále began to say, but then looked at the drinks that were nearby, "Hey, do those have alcohol in them?"

"Um…" Lumina looked at the drink that resembled the one in her hand, "Yes."

"Great. I'm gonna need the liquid courage," Risále said, grabbing the glass and downing it in its entirety.

Mina looked a little alarmed, "Risále, are you sure you should be—I mean, I know you're of legal age but I don't think I've ever seen you drink before—"

"I'll be fine, don't worry, I'm probably not going to drink much after this," Risále waved her off, her eyes not leaving Bella and Hyunwoo, "I just need a bit of encouragement is all. Besides, I know what my tolerance is."

Lumina sipped from her glass again, "As long as you're sure. Maybe you should get changed and start getting ready? You've been moving stuff around and everything this whole time, that must have gotten you sweaty…Among other things…"

Risále sighed, "So, I'm guessing you heard about the pantry."

"Well, I had a suspicion. Some of the stuff I heard walking by there, well, if that wasn't foreplay, then I don't know what is—" 

"Can you shut up," Risále hissed, "Jesus Christ, don't say that so loud, especially when they're both still in the house."

Mina hummed, "Why is that the second time I've heard someone say that in the last hour?" She said to herself, "Anyways, go get yourself ready, we can take care of the rest," Risále nodded before heading back into the house and making her way up the stairs. She didn't see the light-blue-haired woman walk over to the couple on the couch and say quietly, "Can one of you go keep an eye on Risá? She just downed an entire glass of champagne and I have no idea how strong her alcohol tolerance is and I would really like it if she didn't manage to fall out of a window right before Val's birthday party."

Risále had just managed to put on some clean clothes and started beginning to fix her hair when she heard the knocking at her door, "Hey, Risále. Is it alright if I come in?" Hyunwoo called in a soft voice.

"Sure, I'm almost done," She responded, turning to look at him as he walked in, leaving the door wide open, "What's up?"

"Nothing, really. I just wanted to see how you're doing. I haven't seen someone down a glass like that in a while," He laughed.

Risále's eyes widened, "Oh, dear lord, you saw that. Normally I don't do stuff like that, it's just—"

"Bella has a tendency to send your mind a bit haywire, no? Don't worry," Hyunwoo giggled, "I've been there plenty of times, that woman is a danger to society, especially since she knows her charms. Want me to do your makeup? I used to do Bella's and Val's all the time, so I like to think I'm pretty good at it. Plus, I do it a bit on myself as well."

The woman nodded, "Sure, why not?" She turned the chair, "How do you want me?"

Hyunwoo raised an eyebrow at that, his lips quirking slightly. For a moment, his gentleness had an added touch of mischief to it and made him all the more easy to fall for, "That's a very dangerous thing to say to me, Risále."

It only took her a few seconds to realize how she had phrased the sentence, and her face heated up, "Oh, no, that's not what I—I mean, I certainly could, but I—You know, not like what I'm saying—Jesus Christ, I'll just shut up," She groaned as she heard Hyunwoo's soft laughter and buried her face in her hands.

"I'm sorry, darlin', and I just told Bella off for teasing you as well," Hyunwoo laughed, the Southern accent coming out to ruin Risále's sanity, "I shouldn't be teasing you like this. Alright, come here, on the bed should be just fine. Do you have makeup you normally use?" Risále pointed at the box on the vanity and Hyunwoo looked through it, "Perfect. Do you have any preferences for what you want?"

"Uh, well, tall people certainly, scientists too, as I'm coming to find out, blue or purple eyes, absolutely love to tease—"

"Your makeup preference, sweetheart," Hyunwoo said with a knowing smile.

"Oh. Um, no, nothing in particular," She laughed nervously, "I trust you, do whatever you want."

Hyunwoo giggled—And it was absolutely adorable, Risále couldn't stop thinking about his little amused giggle—Oh, he was still speaking, "Why, aren't you the little charmer? Alright, you can keep your eyes open or close them for now, whichever you prefer. I'll do those later."

Risále kept her eyes open as Hyunwoo began to use the brush to start applying the foundation to her face, blending it out with the beauty blender, "Wouldn't miss a chance to see someone this pretty up close."

He chuckled, "Manon, you flirt."

"Sorry, I don't know why that came out, I really meant to keep it to myself."

"Can I take a guess?"


"Liquid courage?"

"Liquid courage."

Hyunwoo laughed at this, "Well, I won't say that I'm complaining, you're very cute when you're honest. And the honesty is certainly helpful for me. Close your eyes, darlin'. Don't pout, I'll finish it soon," He patted her cheek. Risále sighed and closed her eyes. She felt the soft tip of the brush against her left eyelid, and then the right. Then, she was surprised as she felt Hyunwoo move away.

"What's wrong?" She asked, opening her eyes, only to see Hyunwoo leaning back, biting his lip. A sweet habit. She wouldn't mind being the one to do that, almost said it herself but barely managed to hold it in.

Hyunwoo hummed before he moved forward, gently nudging her legs apart so that he could stand between them. Risále's hands were tightened into fists, gripping the covers of her bed as her eyes widened, "Is this alright? I can't do your eyeliner just by leaning over you," The girl nodded almost robotically, her brain still processing what was happening. Whatever she was expecting, it was not to have Hyunwoo standing between her legs, leaning to look closely at her eyes. She was shaken out of her trance by Hyunwoo giggling a little. He took her hands and placed them around his waist, "Relax, sweetheart. You're so tense, you'd think I was your doctor or something."

If he was her doctor, she certainly hoped he wouldn't be using a stethoscope because she would never live that down—

"You really…" Risále sighed, "For such a sweet person, you really know how to wind someone up, you know that?" 

"Oh, whatever could you mean by that?"

"...Seriously, how does Leon even survive having a boyfriend like you."

"You certainly are very chatty today, I'm guessing that's the alcohol talking, though," Hyunwoo said, amusedly, "Alright, open your eyes?" She did as he asked, slowly blinking and looking at the beautiful boy who was gazing back at her, just as intensely, "You look lovely. Let me just get the lipstick and you'll be done," He reached over to grab it and unscrewed the lid, "Open your mouth for me?"

Risále did as he asked, and Hyunwoo smiled, his eyes crinkling with it, "Perfect, just like that, darlin'," Oh, he had to be doing it on purpose now, letting his voice drawl like that. Risále wasn't complaining. Not at all. His eyes focused on her lips as he began to apply the makeup. To anyone though, it would be obvious that it shouldn't take this long to put lipstick on someone, and Risále wasn't drunk enough to pass it off as nothing.

As Hyunwoo paused, leaning back to look at his work, Risále grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him closer, wrapping her legs around him, "...So, are you just going to keep staring at my lips or are you going to kiss me?"

The boy looked a little surprised, before huffing out a small laugh, "Adorable," He said, moving in towards her so that their lips were only inches apart. Risále's eyes fluttered shut in anticipation, and she could almost feel his mouth against hers, until— "Ask me again when you're sober, alright, sweetheart? I'll definitely do it then."

And with that, he moved back, spreading the lipstick with his finger evenly as Risále mumbled against it, "You, my good sir, are an absolute fucking tease."

"Says you. No wonder Bella can't keep her hands off of you, I might have to try a bit harder if you're like this with her as well," Hyunwoo laughed, "Hold on, might as well use some of this for myself," He took his finger and rubbed the remaining lipstick that was on it onto his own lips. Risále couldn't take her eyes off of it.

"Yeah, well, I might be able to gauge people's interest in me very well, but Bella has made it more than obvious. I'd have to be an idiot not to see it," Risále murmured, "And you're okay with it?"

Hyunwoo raised an eyebrow, "More than okay, darling. Bella deserves a cute girlfriend like you."

Risále choked on air, "Girlfriend?"

"Do you really want to argue with me on this one?"

"No, I'd probably end up embarrassing myself."

"It would be cute," Hyunwoo replied, "Whatever is going on with you two, then, I approve. Trust me, she's fond of you, blueberry. She doesn't just give any cute girl a nickname, you know? I think that's about all I'm going to tell you since you look like your head is about to explode."

Risále looked away, "You know, it just might. Any tips on how to flirt with her, as her boyfriend?"

"Keep doing whatever you're doing, it's working a charm on quite a few people apparently," Hyunwoo grinned at this.

Risále sighed, "I don't even know what to make of that."

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door and Leon looked into the room, "Am I…Interrupting?" He asked, raising an eyebrow as he looked between the two of them interestedly.

"No, I think we were just about done, darling. Is Val almost here?" Hyunwoo responded, putting the makeup away, seeming practically unaffected. Leon nodded his head.

"They're almost here, Nia managed to distract them for just long enough," He grinned, "Bella's waiting for you."

Hyunwoo laughed, "That's my cue to go, then. Remember what I said, Risále," Hyunwoo turned back to her, "Ask me again when you're sober, and I will certainly take you up on your offer," And with that, he was gone.

Leon walked over to Risále and helped her off the bed, and she stumbled slightly into his arms, "Woah, easy there. Hyun has that effect on people. Take it easy, let me help you."

Risále grumbled, "This isn't fair. All of you ganging up on me within the span of like an hour. You, sir, are cute."

"...And you, Risá, are drunk. By the way, congratulations with the, you know," He gestured at her mouth. It took Risále a minute to what he was talking about, and somehow it made her even grumpier.

"If only that had actually happened. For someone so seemingly sweet, your boyfriend is a menace. And for fuck's sake, that Southern accent is gonna be the death of me."

"Ah, I forgot you are yet to grow a tolerance to that. Even I struggle when he lays it on heavy but I think I've gotten to the point where I don't melt into a puddle everytime he says 'darlin'' like that," Leon laughed, mimicking Hyunwoo's drawl.

Risále crossed her arms, "Now you're doing it, too! This isn't fair!"

"...Alright, come on, Risá. Let's get you some water."