An Interstice (19.2)

Owen and Fenix had finally left Leon to watch over Bella, and Lumina and Mina had shooed them both off to get some rest. Eventually, realizing they couldn't fight the two women, both of them made their way to an empty room.

The younger flopped down onto the bed, starfishing and facing up at the ceiling. Fenix followed him, gently climbing on the bed. Owen turned and held an arm out, "Come here," He said softly. Fenix crawled over to him, tangling his legs with Owen and tucking the other boy tucked his head under the taller's chin, wrapping his arms around Fenix's waist.

They lay in silence for a moment, just listening to each other's heartbeats before Owen spoke softly, "Do you wanna talk about it?"

Fenix took a deep breath, "...Yeah. Alright, let's talk. You first. How are you feeling?"

Owen sighed, "Numb. I feel like I've lost the ability to cry anymore. I just…I can't understand," He said curling up against Fenix, "Abuelita…How could someone stab an old lady and leave her to stumble around like that? I wish someone had helped her before we found her. She just…She just wanted me to be happy and even while she was dying…" He took a deep breath, "She wanted to see her grandson again, did you know? Her son moved away to another Sector, he took his wife and kid with him. She was hoping he'd come back and she'd get to see her grandson again. She didn't even know…" He shivered, "Her son joined the White Lotus. The people her son joined killed her."

Fenix thought for a moment about what would be the right thing to say, just stroking Owen's hair, "I wish things were different," He settled, "But Owen, you need to know, Abuelita wasn't unhappy. Even if she couldn't see her grandson, she had someone who she cared about just as much. She loved you like she would her own grandson," He said softly, pressing a kiss to his head.

"...She was like a grandma to me too…" Owen said softly, "I just…I know we've seen people die before, lots of people. It's…Strange. Part of me feels so strongly about this, it hurts so much. She was just a sweet old lady, she didn't do anything wrong…But a part of me doesn't feel anything. It's terrible. It's just like…It just feels like another person died, and that's it."

"It's…You've gotten desensitized to death," Fenix said sadly, "It's the same for me. We haven't exactly gone through your most typical childhood," Owen let out a short laugh at that, "But we've grown up seeing people around us die, watching terrible things happen to the people around us. A part of us has just accepted that it is a way of life, that everyone dies, and if we keep falling apart over it, someday, we might not be able to put ourselves together."

Owen shivered, "I don't like it," He whispered, "I don't like how okay I am with so many people dying. I hate that I don't feel it as strongly. It feels like something is wrong with me."

Fenix let out a soft noise, cuddling into Owen, "It's not your fault," He said, trying to comfort him, "I don't think there's anything we could have done about this, really. Not with where we grew up."

Owen hummed. He leaned back and looked up into his boyfriend's eyes, "And you? How are you doing?" He asked, "...Ariyasul?"

"They were your in-law, weren't they?" Fenix said quietly.

"From what Kaedan told me, yeah," Owen responded, "Ariyasul and Wyran were friends since they were children and started courting each other when they were teenagers. They got married pretty early but then Wyran…" He trailed off, "Apparently, Ariyasul disappeared entirely after Wyran's death, since without his protection, they knew that Wyran's dad would definitely punish them since his parents never approved of their marriage. So, they disappeared before the royal family made them. They only came out of hiding for Kaedan's wedding and…"

Fenix was quiet, "I was the one who found them," He said quietly, "I…You're not going to like hearing this," He said.

"Tell me."

The ginger boy sighed, "They'd been shot in the back multiple times, but it seems that it happened before we saw them. They were wearing a backpack, weren't they? I think they wore the backpack to cover their back from us. I think…They realized how much was going on and didn't want to burden us. I guess more than anything, they didn't want Xander and Kaedan to know. Judging from their injuries," Fenix took a shaky breath, "They wouldn't have made it, even if we tried."

Owen hummed, reaching up and stroking Fenix's hair, "I can…Understand that," He said softly, "They already lost Wyran, and on top of that, Kaedan only just found out what the whole truth of the situation was. I doubt Ariyasul would have wanted their death on their conscience. If there was so much going on and I was dying, I wouldn't want Kaedan to know either—"

Fenix pulled him close, tucking his head into the mint-haired boy's neck, "Don't say that," He murmured, "Don't even bring it up as a possibility. I don't want to…Think about that. I don't want to think about any of us dying. Just knowing that if Ariyasul hadn't gotten there in time…Val could have…"

"It was too close for comfort," Owen agreed, "It scared me, too. When the entrance got blocked off…"

"If it hadn't, I would have gone in after them. God, maybe I shouldn't have hesitated. They had to see Haven, Sam, and Lifen all alone…Maybe if I had gone in, I could have done something so that the ceiling didn't collapse on them—"

"Hey," Owen cupped Fenix's face, "Don't go there. If Val heard you saying this, they'd kick your ass."

Fenix laughed, "They would, wouldn't they?

Owen nodded, "Don't blame yourself for this. Besides, we have a lot more to focus on now…" He sighed, "I can't believe we're going back to Sector 3. I never thought we would."

"...Does it scare you?"

"...Of course."

Fenix hummed, "If it makes you feel any better, I'm scared as well. I'm almost completely sure that my uncle—Matthew will be there," He corrected himself, "Which means we cannot let him find Bella, you, or me, or our covers will be blown immediately. I…Don't really like the idea of you going back there either…"

"I'll be alright," Owen said determinedly, "I have you now."

"You had me before too, but you still got hurt…" Fenix whispered.

Owen shook his head, "You didn't know back then. Now, you do. I know you won't let anything happen to me, just like I won't let anything happen to you. I don't like the idea of you going there either, it's not like you were treated that much better than me."

"...Even so, what they did to you…" Fenix shook his head, "I don't want you anywhere near them again."

"I know. I know. I don't want to be there either honestly. But if it means we can stop the White Lotus, if we can make sure those bastards don't get what they want," Owen's heterochromatic eyes flashed, both the silver and green ones, "Then I'll do whatever it takes."

Fenix stared at him for a moment, before leaning forward and pulling him into a chaste kiss. Owen made a surprised noise, not expecting it before relaxing and kissing back. As they pulled back, Owen raised an eyebrow, as though asking the question. Fenix smiled, "When you talk like that, how am I supposed to resist kissing you?"

Owen giggled, "Well, I suppose you shouldn't resist kissing me in any case," He leaned forward again, gently connecting their lips again, "...Want to sleep? You seem tired, mi sol."

Fenix nodded, and Owen cuddled closer, pulling Fenix in by the waist and tucking his head under Fenix's chin so that they were curled up against each other entirely.

Sleep came to them quickly.

Meanwhile, about two hours later, Leon was woken up by someone moving him. He blearily opened his eyes, firstly realizing he'd fallen asleep sitting up, his head resting in his arms on the side of the bed Bella was sleeping on. Secondly, he realized the one moving him was Bella, the woman was easily carrying him in a bridal carry. He clutched onto her shoulders, "Bella?"

"Shh, you can go back to sleep," She hushed him, gently placing him on the bed as she sat on it, facing him. 

He sat up, "What time is it? How long has it been?" He asked.

Bella hummed, "I don't know how long you've been asleep but it's been about four hours since we took off. Mina just came in a few minutes ago to ask me to switch with Lumina so they could both take a break. I'm going to take over flying for a little bit. You can get some more rest if you want—"

"No, I'm okay," Leon moved his legs off the bed, going to stand up, "I'll come with you too if that's okay?"

"Of course, I don't mind, pretty boy," Bella said, smiling, "Just know that you don't have to stay with me the whole time. If you get tired, feel free to come back and sleep. Let's go let Lumina and Mina off their job, hm?"

Leon blushed, "Would Hyunwoo be okay with you calling me 'pretty boy'?" He asked.

Bella raised an eyebrow as she stood up, holding a hand out to him, "Why wouldn't he be? After all, he's your boyfriend too, and he agrees that you're very pretty."

"Bella, please, give me a break. If my face gets any redder, it might explode," Leon groaned, and the other woman chuckled. They both left the room and as they passed the room Owen and Fenix were in, Leon couldn't help but smile as he saw the two of them cuddled together on the bed, asleep. Quietly, he closed the door, turning to see Bella smiling as well, "I'm glad they're getting to rest, they went through so much," He said softly.

Bella nodded, "I'm glad that if anything, they had each other. I couldn't do anything for them but…I really do have to thank you and your friends for that," She said quietly as they made their way to the front of the shuttle, seeing Mina and Lumina, with the older sitting at the controls.

"Hey, guys," Lumina gave them a weak smile, "Anyone mind taking over for a bit?" She asked.

Bella nodded, putting a hand on her shoulder, "Go get some rest, I've got this. You too, Mina. Don't worry, alright?"

Lumina sighed and got up, almost slumping on Mina as soon as she stood up, "Hey, hey, easy there, Lumi. Come on, let's get you to a bed, hm?" 

"Stay with me?" Lumina asked softly.

"Of course," Mina responded, looking over her shoulder and nodding to Bella and Leon as she led her girlfriend away, pushing the button to shut the door to the main area behind them both.

Bella sat down on the seat, adjusting the seat so that she could comfortably rest her hands on the steering wheel. As she looked over at the GPS, Leon sat on the ledge near her, looking out the window, "...So, you knew who I was before Hyunwoo told you," He said.