Branching Propositions (21.2)

Meanwhile, Risále walked down the streets on her own, seeing as Xander and Kaedan had managed to wander off, and really, she wasn't looking for an excuse to go find them. As she looked around, she was amazed by the small buildings that from what she had gathered, were actually built in a way that they would be easy to dismantle and move to a different location in emergencies.

She looked at a stall that was selling what looked like candied fruits, "Young miss, would you like some?" A young woman, around Risále's age, asked.

Within a moment, Risále stumbled a bit, and her voice was different, "...Yena?" Apocalypse's voice spoke.

The woman looked up, "...Hm? Do I…Know you? How do you know my name, Miss?" She asked, smiling calmly. It seemed she didn't even notice the change in Risále's eyes.

"...Never mind," And within moments, Risále was suddenly given back control of her own body.

Hey, what the fuck— (R)

Not right now. Please. (A)

Apocalypse's voice sounded…rattled. Risále realized that maybe, she should take the other woman's advice and leave her alone for now.

"Ah, sorry, can I have one of those candied apples?" Risále asked, and the young woman gave her a strange look but nodded, handing her the sugar-coated apple on the skewer. Risále handed her a couple of coins.

As she turned away, she sighed.

You didn't ask this time. (R)

Sorry. I took over on instinct. (A)

It's…fine. Just don't do it again. But you owe me an explanation at least for basically hijacking my body. (R)

…Her name is Yena. (A)

Yeah, I gathered. (R)

Shut up. She used to be one of the kids of the people in the Sector 4 White Lotus branch who didn't betray me. I…Was hoping she'd recognize me. (A)

…Oh. (R)

If her parents are alive, they must be here somewhere. Although, I doubt they'd remember me either, seeing as it seems that no one's memory was spared. I don't know how they managed to wipe everyone's memory so specifically though. (A)

They used a sort of gas that they circulated through vents. (R)

What? (A)

…They used an odorless gas that they put into the vents of homes, which eventually would escape the homes and circulate into the air outside. It was…It was created to wipe people of any memory of there actually being a Sector 4 and—What the fuck?! (R)

Keep going. What else do you know? (A)

They tested it on any White Lotus members who weren't explicitly involved in the wiping and destruction of Sector 4, so Bella and Leon didn't know. They…They didn't know but I did. Because they….Holy shit, because I was the one who made that gas. (R)

…What the fuck. (A)

I…Don't know either. I…They told me to make the gas and I was…I was really young, I think? I didn't ask, I just did what they told me to. I guess they never bothered to use the gas on me because I made it. I don't think they expected me to escape. (R)

So, what you're telling me is that you're the reason no one remembers me? (A)

Risále was silent, now genuinely worried about what Apocalypse was thinking. For a moment, the was quiet, and then, a sigh. 

I'm not angry. You couldn't have known any better. You were a child. I suppose…After Sector 4, all the civilians that weren't slaughtered must have been brainwashed and relocated, like Yena. (A)

Wait, think about it. Elliot remembers Sector 4, everyone is beginning to remember in our group and they're spreading the word throughout the rebellion. If people from your old sector hear about it, maybe they might remember…? (R)

No. I already don't want Chaewon and Elliot remembering what happened there, let alone the rest of the fucking kingdom that I let down. Let them never remember me rather than remember how I was betrayed and let Sector 4 fall. (A)

…It wasn't your fault. You just trusted the wrong people. (R)

That in itself was my problem. I trusted too many people. (A)

There was a tap on Risále's shoulder and she quickly let Apocalypse recede to the back of her mind, turning to see the familiar brunette with purple streaks, looking at her concernedly, "Hey, are you alright?" Hyunwoo asked.

Risále hesitated, "Honestly? I'm not sure," She said slowly, "I…Remembered something else."

Hyunwoo's face became serious, "Alright, how about we walk around and you tell me about it? Only if you want to talk about it."

"Yeah…Yeah, that would be good," Risále agreed, and took his hand, letting him lead her through the marketplace.

"So, what happened?"

Risále took a deep breath, "I was just walking around and I saw that candied fruit stall, and I wanted to try some of it. I went to buy something when Apocalypse took over all of a sudden. She recognized someone. Hyunwoo, some of the people here are former citizens of Sector 4."

He was quiet for a moment, "That…Makes a lot of sense. Chaewon and Elliot mentioned that before the rebellion was really formed, there was a large number of people who seemed to be displaced but they didn't know from where. Most people assumed that maybe they were from overseas but if they were actually from Sector 4…"

"Yeah. That's…Not the end of it," Risále said softly, "Do you know how they made everyone forget about Sector 4?"

Hyunwoo shook his head, "I was wondering that, actually. How could they completely clear the memories of a fourth Sector and the people in it, especially since they seemed to do it to everyone?"

Risále was quiet, "It was an odorless gas," She said softly, "They spread it through the vents of all the homes in other Sectors, and eventually when people opened their windows or doors, the contaminated air would escape out into the streets. The only people whose memories weren't wiped were the people directly involved in the destruction of Sector 4."

"...And you know this how?"

"...I created that mixture, Hyunwoo," She whispered, "They used me to make the gas, and I just…Did what they told me. I didn't know. I wouldn't have agreed if I had known…"

Hyunwoo gripped her shoulders, "Hey, hey, hey. Look at me," He said, "I'm guessing you were a kid when they asked you to make it?" The young woman nodded, "You couldn't have known, Risá. You were just a child, how could you have known? It's not your fault."

Risále murmured, "I know. I know that but…God, Hyunwoo, I gave them the means to wipe the memory of four Sectors. And I'm only just finding that out now. Who knows what else I could have let them do."

Hyunwoo smiled sadly, "...Are you starting to understand why Leon didn't tell you?"

She stopped, "Fuck. You're right. Leon was right. I don't know if I want to know the things I've done. The things I've let the White Lotus do."

"You know you can't just ignore it, darlin'," Hyunwoo said sympathetically, "You know you can't just ignore your past actions. But you also have to acknowledge that you were manipulated into it."

"How?" Risále asked, "How could I even know? I could have easily been helping them without complaint."

"Consider why, though," Hyunwoo urged her, "From what we know, you had no one. The White Lotus was the only place that was even close to a home that you had. If you failed them and made them angry, who knows what would have happened to you? That's still manipulation, Risá. They were manipulating you by taking away any autonomy you had. You had no choice but to do what they asked or best case scenario, they'd turn you fully into an experiment."

"...What do I do now? Do—Should I tell someone?"

Hyunwoo thought about it, "Tell our group, including the ones going to Sector 3. I have a few more people we should tell but let's not let the majority of people know. That might only cause panic and let's be honest, not as many people are going to be as understanding as some of us."

Risále nodded, "Okay. Okay, that sounds good."

"You alright?"

"Yeah, I just…" Risále looked down, "God, I never thought I'd say this but I feel…really bad for Apocalypse."

Hyunwoo tucked her hair behind her cheek before pressing their lips together for a moment, pulling back, "She'll understand. Apocalypse may be terrifying, but she's not irrational."

Rosále, keep this one. (A)

Can you shut the FUCK up— (R)