Extinguishing The Flames Of Conformity (23.3)

The 24th Plaza was exactly what one would expect, a large, round plaza with brick buildings all around it, giving it the illusion of a small town. 

It didn't take too long to realize that every single building was the same, and Lumina picked up that even the alleyways between each building seemed to be about the same width. Everything about it seemed so clinical, so designed. It almost felt like it was all an experiment, a testing ground. Though, in a sense, she supposed it was just that. A testing ground for mind control.

As the group marching in entered the plaza, they began to spread out, dividing into two groups of ninety-six, each of those groups standing in three equal rows. This put Fenix and Leon near the center, close to the pathway created between the two groups. Two rows of what seemed like guards or soldiers marched in, a few scientists at the end. 

As they passed by them, one of the scientists paused near Fenix and Leon, looking at them. All six of them in their crowd held their breath, bracing themselves for the worst, "Do. Not. Move," Lumina whispered, pressing the button to her earpiece.

The scientist leaned in towards Leon, looking closely at him. Leon looked straight forward, matching his breathing to the people around him, not reacting even as the scientist poked his face.

To their surprise, the scientist simply left it and shook his head, walking away, joining the rest of his subgroup. The scientists made their way to the front of the two groups, being flanked on either side by the guards. One of them stepped forward to speak, "Citizens of Sector 4!" She called out, "We have just been informed that only a few minutes ago, a group of people infiltrated our haven of safety inside these walls. We will not let them break the peace that we have maintained here. If you see anyone acting…Strange in any manner, report it to the nearest scientist or guard. We wouldn't want any…Troublemakers, now would we?"

As if on cue, every person in the crowd slowly nodded their head. The six in disguise quickly caught on and followed, nodding in sync with them. Lumina had to hold back the shiver that went down her back. 

"Dismissed," Another scientist called out, and the guards and scientists in the front turned away, dispersing. Just as they did, the crowd seemed to disperse just as quickly, seeming almost like an ordinary crowd. Bella turned to Lumina and nodded before speaking quietly into the earpiece, "Alright, split up. Three scientists went to the third alley to the right, two went into the alley to the left, and two went directly to Mina and Owen's right."

Mina and Owen joined Bella and Lumina, "We'll take the two to the right," Mina said quietly, "Lumi, Bella, take the three that went further away. Leon and Fenix, get the two to the left."

"Sounds good," Leon whispered, "We'll let you know when we've changed and are in the clear."

"Be careful," Lumina warned him, "Don't take unnecessary risks and stay out of trouble. Don't attract any attention." With that, she nodded to Mina and Owen, and they split up.

Bella leaned forward just a bit to see, "I'll take care of the scientists, you get the guards, alright? You can get rid of those three, right?"

"Don't underestimate me, kid," Lumina raised an eyebrow, "I may not be the leader of a rebellion but I can certainly hold my ground."

"Oh, I'm certainly not doubting that, Miss Lumina Liu," Bella grinned, "Rebellion leader or not, I know better than to underestimate a woman like you. Besides, everyone knows who trained you. No one would ever risk underestimating Alexander Liu's sister and protégé."

"Good thing you know, then," Lumina said, taking the lead, "I'll get the guards, you get the scientists. No promises I won't finish earlier and get my hands on some scientists as well though."

"Feel free," Bella smirked. 

"Stop flirting with my girlfriend, Bella," Mina's voice deadpanned over the earpiece to all of them, "We can hear both of you."

"I can flirt with you as well," Bella offered, "You just have to say the word and I'm totally down."

There was a sigh, "Nice try. Get to work, both of you," Mina said, but they could hear the fondness in her voice.

"Yes, Minnie," Lumina grinned. 

The two of them turned into the alley, following the scientists and the security guards at a distance, their faces showing no emotion. As they got further into the alley, taking a couple of turns here and there, Lumina looked at Bella, nodding. 

Just as the scientists turned around, about to ask what they thought they were doing, Lumina pulled out her whip, unfurling it quickly as it flicked against the ground. Bella pulled out a small device and with a click, it turned into her hammer. It wasn't a large one but it was made of pure metal, which meant that with a single swing, she'd already knocked out a scientist.

"That's one down for me," She called back and Lumina rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, yeah, I get it, I'm on it," The brunette muttered before charging forward, using her whip to trip one of the guards, and then immediately kneeing him in the stomach before kicking him to the ground. Slamming his head down once on the ground forcefully, she saw the man pass out immediately, "See? I can keep up."

"Yeah?" Bella asked, swinging again, "If you can keep up, then hurry up and take care of the other two, will you?"

Lumina sighed and turned back, but immediately, she froze as she was met with a pair of golden eyes, the older woman charging at her with no emotion on her face.

"Ma?" She whispered, before quickly dodging the attack, "Ma, is that…Is that you?" 

Bella had managed to take out the scientists and turned back to Lumina dodging the guards' attacks, but never attacking them herself, "Lumina, what the hell are you doing?" She whisper-yelled.

"Ma? Baba?" Lumina asked again, her eyes wide as she looked at the older man and woman. Bella understood immediately, and she cursed under her breath. 

Speaking into her earpiece, she alerted the others, "We may have hit a roadblock. Everyone else, keep going, Lumina and I might be a bit slower. This just got extremely complicated—" It was as though the moment Lumina heard Bella's voice over the earpiece, she snapped out of her daze and her eyes sharpened. Within moments, the two guards were knocked out, albeit much more gently than the first guard.

"Lumina? Are you…" Bella began to say.

The older woman shook her head, "It can't be…They're dead, I thought they've been dead this whole time, there's no way…"

Bella took a deep breath, "Lumina, I know. Trust me, I get it, I've been in your place as well. But we don't have time—"

"Wait, just…All of them have IDs, right?" Lumina asked, her eyes looking a bit wild, "If…If she has my mother's name then—" She dug through the pockets of the guard, searching for only a few moments before her hand clamped around a card and she pulled it out.

On the card was the name Minri Liu.

Just by seeing the look on her face, Bella knew. This had to be Lumina's mother. She wanted so badly to comfort Lumina, she knew exactly what she was going through, but they really didn't have the time, "Lumina? Are you okay? Are you alright?"

"This is my mother, Bella," Lumina whispered, "She's been here all along…It has to be her…"

"Are you sure?" Bella asked.

Lumina turned, her golden eyes teary, "My eyes are a genetic mutation, it only runs in my family. That's why Xander and my uncle both have them as well. It's…She looks like how I remember to be, albeit I was really young, but she has the same eyes and the same name…It's definitely her."

"...What do you want to do, Lumina?" Bella asked carefully.

She sighed, "What can I even do? If they're under the control of the scientists, then there's nothing I can do for them. We…We have a mission to go on. I'm not about to let this stop us."

"Just remember," Bella said, "Apocalypse said she and Risále told Leon how to deactivate the chip that causes whatever effect these people are under. Come on, if we get going and we succeed, you can come back here to see your parents. You and Xander deserve that, at least."

Lumina looked down, "Jesus, I didn't even think about it but—Do they…Will they even remember Xander is their son? Or do they just think he's my uncle and aunt's kid? I don't even know how he'd feel about this, we never talked about it since we thought they were dead…"

"All the more reason for us to get going, so you can go talk to Xander sooner. Come on, Lumina, just…Let's move them inside and tie them up. We need to get changed and tie up the scientists as well," Bella said, and finally, Lumina nodded.

It only took them a couple of seconds to switch the clothing, and Lumina had to admit it looked quite funny seeing Bella and her outfits on the drabby, serious, cold scientists. As she pulled on the white lab coat, she heard Bella curse, "What is it?" She said.

"It's nothing, I was just…" She sighed, "I was hoping that maybe we'd manage to get access cards to the lower levels without taking out too many scientists but these guys only have Level 1 clearance."

"Don't you have clearance up to Level 3?" Lumina asked.

Bella nodded, "I do, but it won't be easy getting to Level 4, especially from inside headquarters."

Lumina laughed, "Oh, Bella. Here's one thing you should know about me: I love a challenge."

Bella grinned in response, "Good, let's get going."

"Wait," Lumina stopped her, "You mentioned you…Knew how I felt when I saw my mom and dad like this. What did you…"

At this, the younger woman gave her a sad smile, "Remind me to tell you about Fenix and my parents one day," She said, before turning back and heading towards the plaza again, not giving Lumina a chance to respond.