Preparation Costs (25.2)

So, I created the basis for the mind control chip and you know this how exactly? Risále asked as she moved to type something into the computer. Or, well, it wasn't exactly her. Apocalypse was the one controlling her body at that moment. (R)

It was right before I died, but they were trying to gauge if you and Leon would be good fits for the Gifted Child Program. This was what they used to test you. Unfortunately for them, I was around and I immediately put a stop to it, so they only got a basic framework. I can remember it, but you're going to have to fill in and correct a lot, it's been what, a decade since I saw it. (A)

Risále sighed as she took a look at the code, "Apocalypse, I think you have too much faith in me—" She paused, "Well then, look at that. I guess you know me better than I know myself," Her hands flew across the keyboard as she filled in the missing code and corrected some of the parts Apocalypse had given her.

Told you. You have no idea what you're capable of. (A)

Was that a compliment? (R)

Niñata. (A)

Risále paused, "Hold on, you're Hispanic. Why don't you just speak in Spanish with me?" (R)

You never asked. (A)

"As if that's a valid answer," She scoffed, "Fine, fine, I won't ask. Keep your secrets, I suppose. Now, does this look about right to you?"

"You know, if it were anyone else coming 'round here, they'd think you were insane," Risále jumped at the new voice, hand over her chest as she turned to look, "What would people think, the new girl, talking to herself?"

She rolled her eyes, leaning back on the counter, "And what are people going to think if they find the new girl dead in the lab after her partner gave her a heart attack?" Hyunwoo laughed as he approached her, leaning down to brush her hair out of her face and kiss her cheek, "What are you still awake for, Hyun?" She said softly.

He hummed, "Missed you. Besides, I know you've got a hell of a lot to think about and I'm not quite sure I want to leave you alone with your thoughts right now."

Well, you're not exactly alone. (A)

"Apocalypse says that I'm not exactly alone," Risále relayed to him and Hyunwoo laughed a little bit, covering his mouth.

"I suppose she's right, hm? Actually, can I talk to her? Alone? It…More has to do with something about when I was younger and since she was close to the White Lotus, maybe she can help…" Hyunwoo said, rubbing his thumb on Risále's hand.

She realized what he had meant, "Of course. Don't worry, even if I did want to listen in, Apocalypse wouldn't let me if you said you didn't want me to hear," She said, "Get ready to catch me, would you?"

Within a second, her eyes rolled up and her body went limp. Hyunwoo quickly caught her and held her up. It took a few seconds before she began to blink, her eyes going back to normal. 

Well, normal as in—Instead of her brown eyes, they were scarlet red.

"You wanted to talk?" Apocalypse asked, as Hyunwoo let go of her and the woman began to look over what Risále was doing, "Don't mind me looking at this, I can at least make sure what she's doing is right while I'm out here. I'm still paying attention."

Hyunwoo nodded before taking a deep breath, "We've met before, haven't we? I mean, before you died. You were dating Chaewon and Elliot over a decade ago, and Leon got separated from them ten years ago. Obviously, you don't just know about him, you must have actually met him back then, seeing as you were literally engaged to Chaewon and Elliot here—Yes, I know about that. What I'm concerned about is when Leon, Risá, and I were childhood friends. They don't remember because I was in the pilot version of the gifted child program but I was…Removed from it. It was much earlier than when they were put into it. The White Lotus wiped me from their memories after I was taken out of the program, so they only remember meeting me again after Chaewon and Elliot got separated from Leon. Since Leon and Risá weren't actually supposed to be speaking with me back then, they never told anyone who I was. Besides, they didn't really know me for long before their memories got wiped, so Chaewon and Elliot didn't even know I existed. But you on the other hand…I suspect you did know me. At least, if you knew Leon then you have to have known Risá, even though you've been pretending you didn't."

Apocalypse was quiet for a moment before she chuckled, "You are a smart one. Why do you think I knew you, though? You said it, the only ones who knew you were Leon and Risále, and they didn't tell anyone about you before they had their memories wiped," Apocalypse asked.

 Hyunwoo looked at her, "Because I recognized your voice."

Apocalypse paused what she was doing, "What?"

"You helped a little boy escape from that place almost eleven years ago. You dropped him off at his mother's home and told them both to get far away from that place."

"...That was you?" Apocalypse asked softly, "I didn't even realize…"

"So, you didn't know," Hyunwoo sighed, "I'd wondered if you'd figured it out but just hadn't said anything. I couldn't really find the chance to ask."

Apocalypse shook her head, "No, you were like…ten years old the last time I saw you, it's been so long that there was no way I could have recognized you and I never knew your name."

Hyunwoo hummed, "Why were you at the White Lotus, Apocalypse? Chaewon, Elliot, Leon, Risá, and I all had a connection to the White Lotus or were forcefully brought into the situation, ignoring that Risá actually has no idea how she got there. But no matter how hard I try to think of it, I can't figure out why you were there."

Apocalypse was quiet for a moment. Then, she said one word, "Revenge."

"Revenge? Revenge for what—"

"No. I'm not talking about it," Apocalypse interrupted, "Alright, yes, I did meet you. But the only ones I was very personally close to were Chaewon and Elliot. Leon knew me and he liked me, I guess. But I didn't want to make Chae uneasy with how protective she was over him, so I never tried to get too close unless Leon was the one who approached me. And he was a shy kid. I saw Risále around and we talked occasionally, but we weren't close. And for you, we only talked a few times before I got you out of there at someone's request. What exactly do you want to know? Are you asking out of suspicion or something else?"

Hyunwoo looked down before taking a deep breath and looked at her again, "You may not have talked to me directly that much, but you had a lot of conversations with a man named Seojun Kang, didn't you?"

Recognition seemed to flicker in her eyes, "Oh," She said, "I should have realized sooner. He never told me your name back then but your last name…It's Kang, isn't it? I didn't think that you were…"

"His son?" Hyunwoo asked, "It was a safety measure. If the White Lotus realized I was his son, they could have easily used me against him. They still did but…They did eventually let me go. They didn't try to hunt me down again because they thought I was just some random kid my dad had picked up off the streets."

Apocalypse hummed, "Smart move, actually. But it didn't save you, did it?"

"No. But you and my dad did eventually. I remember that it was you who told him that there was a way to get me out of the gifted child program. And then you got me out of there and I never saw my dad again. I know you know what happened."

Apocalypse shifted, "Listen, are you sure you want to know? I don't want to be the one to deliver this kind of news—"

"I need to know."

The woman sighed, running her hand through her hair, "...A life for a life. They exchanged you for him but…I wouldn't be surprised if they made an 'accident' happen. Your father dared to say something against them, and even if it was a sort of compromise, they would have hated that he'd even thought of not mindlessly obeying them. I'm sorry but…"

Hyunwoo nodded, grimacing, "We'd suspected but I think I always had some…Irrational hope about it. It's fine, I've had years to grieve," He sighed, "Well, I should thank you for saving me back then. And probably apologize for ignoring your words and going back to the White Lotus facility only a few years after you rescued me."

"Why did you go back?"

"...I wanted to make them pay. Even if it was the smallest thing, I wanted to do something to piss them off."

"...You and I have something in common, I suppose. I was probably the same age as you back then when I tried the same thing."

"Did you do it?"

"...No. I ran and didn't come back until I was an adult and they couldn't recognize me. They would have killed someone I loved if I didn't stop. You?"

"Similar story. Leon asked me if I had anyone I loved. I told him I had my mother. He told me that if I valued her life, I'd stop trying to piss them off."

"He was always a smart boy."

"Smarter than me. If I was smart, I would have listened to your warning. But then again, I wouldn't have had any of you guys in my life so I guess it was worth it. But really," Hyunwoo looked at her, "Who exactly are you? You really are mysterious."

Apocalypse smiled, "Maybe if you figure out my real name, then you might get somewhere. Though, it might not mean much to you. It would mean more to some of the others. Anyways, your shortie wants to come back so…I guess this is goodbye for now."

"Bye, Apocalypse," And with that, the woman collapsed again, her eyes rolling back into her head. Hyunwoo caught her easily. It took much less time for Risále to gain consciousness again. 

"Are you okay?" Risále asked, not pushing him to tell her what he'd talked to Apocalypse about.

Hyunwoo was quiet for a moment, "I, uh…Yeah. God, this is going to sound absurd but I wish I could talk to my mom to process what I just heard."

Risále hummed, "Tell me about her while I work?" She asked, letting go of Hyunwoo to move back to the computer.

He pushed himself up onto an empty part of the table, legs dangling over the edge of it, "She always said I got my height from my dad, he was super tall but my mom was definitely on the shorter side. Probably even shorter than you, sweetheart."

"Is that…Are you insulting my height?"

"Absolutely not. I think you're adorable."

"Not what I meant."

"I know. I love your height though. Perfect to hold you in my arms," Hyunwoo held out his arms and Risále sighed.

"You're unfairly charming, you know that? Irresistible. Come on, I have work to do," She said, giving him a quick hug.

Hyunwoo smiled, pecking her forehead, "I know, darlin'. My mom…I think I thought of her as almost a superhero when I was younger. Then I realized that she was just being a mom. My dad never forced her to take care of the house and even offered to split chores. They did that often but most of the time, my mom liked doing the house-keeping. But she also worked a full-time office job and somehow still made time for me. She was funny, really funny. But she was also the type you could not bullshit with. I tried lying to her once about where I was going when I was visiting Leon at the facility and she caught me immediately. She hated me going there but…She knew Leon made me happy so she let me. But she was kind. She was so kind."

Risále looked over, smiling, "She sounds lovely. You'll have to introduce us to her one day."

"I hope I'll get to," Hyunwoo said quietly.

She didn't comment, knowing that nothing she said could change that uncertainty that was there.